Jaclyn Epstein, COO of MICA Corporation, shares how her leadership is inspired by her grandfather’s values of doing good and doing right.
Jaclyn explains how the words 'care' and 'careful' perfectly describe manufacturing as they drive decision-making, quality, and trust in the workplace.
She discusses how she tackles challenges through self-awareness and vulnerability. She also shares her tips on how to take on tough conversations.
Her story highlights how embracing vulnerability, fostering trust, and aligning actions with values can inspire growth and create meaningful impact in any career.
Where you can find Jaclyn:
Jaclyn's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaclyn-epstein-a938623b/ Company: https://mica-corp.com/ ------- Podcast hosted by The Bolder Company: https://www.theboldercompany.com/ Podcast executive production by Gael Communications: https://www.gaelcommunications.com/ Podcast technical production by Miceli Productions: https://miceliproductions.com/