Cybersecurity requirements for protecting controlled unclassified information (CUI) aren't just for defense contractors anymore. The FAR CUI rule will affect all federal contractors handling CUI (and even those who don't). This episode introduces the main elements of the rule at a 30,000-foot level.
Register for CS2 Reston: https://cs2.cloud/reston
Pathfinder 101: https://www.summit7.us/pathfinder
Pathfinder Demo: https://youtu.be/JiDTCchfCa0?si=JJFplxSfvkaRVhRo
32 CFR CMMC Webinar: https://www.summit7.us/webinars/cmmc-32-cfr-final-rule
2024 Predictions: https://youtu.be/YzFkJGzny20?si=H7UurOVBgKPxpH7Q
FedRAMP memo: https://youtu.be/torWNL3U7ZY?si=_yFHuMqXpCg6hYWy
FAR CUI Rule: https://youtu.be/-bYjDy7z7BA?si=sYytd46cIhmXIP8A
The NARA CUI Registry: https://www.archives.gov/cui/registry/category-list
Cost estimate of 171 (2023): https://youtu.be/DkYefZn_wNk
How to submit effective public comments: https://youtu.be/1T_62cYiUA4