In today's episode in the Conversation Pit, Max & Mo have an interesting chat about Anthony's time as a juggler, spending time in India and overcoming shyness- all while learning to be playful with oneself.
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Anthony is a life coach, author juggler, yoga enthusiast and runs events to inspire people to get in touch with the playful side so that they can live a more fulfilling life.Straight after university, he left the UK and travelled around Europe. He found that he didn't need money to have an amazing life experience travelling. The highlights of the trip were street performing as a juggler , meeting people and impromptu invitations that lead to experiences he would never had had if he hadn't had courage. This trip gave him a deeper wisdom that he has developed over many years and now share with others.He has written 2 books - the Pearls of Juggling which has translated into Italian, German and soon Spanish. His latest book is coming out soon. It’s called Meeting Life. In this book he shares the stories and inspirations recorded in his travel journal from that first European trip that set him up for life. Learn more at AnthonyTrahair.com