Hi Friends, today‘s episode is all things Fasting. I have seen this tool change my life and it’s still changing my life. Fasting is a time for you to connect and grow an even more intimate relationship with God! When you fast you have to be intentional about spending time in prayer, reading the word, watching sermons that are Bible based and stay praised up. Sometimes during a fast you may have no encounter with God, no dreams, no visions…but don’t let that discourage you! In Daniel 10 the Angel Gabriel comes to Daniel in response to his prayer and fasting that he did, Daniel‘s prayers was heard from day one but in the second heavens there was a spiritual war that broke out because of those prayers! You don’t know what you’re prayers are doing in the heavens, so DON‘T STOP PRAYING! And sometimes you have to hit the rock more than once before it eventually breaks! During a fast you have to do a lot of repentance: personal repentance, family repentance, bloodline repentance, repenting for the nation where God has placed you etc. It’s also a time to cry out for mercy! In Joel 2 we read about the deliverance and restoration that came after the children of Israel had fasted, prayed, repented and cried out for mercy. And repentance is a 180 degree turn around from your sins and to now turn to God: and the fruit of your repentance should be evident! Referential Scriptures in today’s episode: -Matthew 6 -Matthew 4 -Exodus 34 -Esther 4 -Daniel 9&10 -Joel 2 Talk to you in the next episode!