Most people say their health is a top priority, but how many of us actually make it one? With our hectic lives, the bigger question is: HOW can we prioritize our health without overhauling our schedules?
In this debut episode, we dive into our top 3 biohacks for the summer—simple, free, and time-efficient tips that can make a real difference. We’ll break down the health benefits of each hack and back it up with supporting research.
And since it’s our very first episode (yay!), we’ll also share the story behind the Biohack Group Chat podcast. Tune in to find out why we started this journey and how we hope to help you find your own balanced path to wellness.
Product references:
- Link to Space Goods Rainbow dust starter kit
- Use code BIOHACKGC (all caps) to get 10% off your first purchase through getrepowr.co.uk
Studies from:
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- Nutrients Journal
- Sports Medicine
- National Institutes of Health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- https://www.forthwithlife.co.uk/blog/uk-vitamin-d-statistics/#:~:text=Vitamin%20D%20is%20one%20of,optimal%20levels%20of%20vitamin%20D
- More about methylation tests:
- https://honehealth.com/edge/health/genetic-methylation-test/