The Song From Today's Episode: Our Time Has Come What makes art beautiful?Living, emanating art holds captured beauty. The artist creating in a state of beauty, capturesbeauty. The artist in torment, captures torment. The artist dictates the manifestation of the art.Torment is not art. Art is beauty. The source of the art’s beauty is the artist. What makes an artist beautiful?Living souls are beauty, and emanate beauty. In a state of free flow of self-expression, in thepresent moment without the burdensome past, the artist emanates natural beauty. With a drinkor two, in pleasant company, on a romantic date falling in love—the artist is beautiful. In agony,the artist seems small and fragile. On a sunny day when all goes well the artist shines.Natural beauty is a fragrance of the soul. The beauty of the physical body without emanation ofbeauty is half the charm. Charm is authentic self-expression in a natural free flow. Theaccumulated past obstructs free expression. Why does the past obstruct the artist’s natural, living, emanating expression of self(beauty)?I am my soul, free and divine. But life taught me otherwise. Life taught me to be stiff and careful,boxed in and robotic. Natural expression is dimmed by past experiences held dearly. Payingattention, entertaining, and nurturing past patterns keeps them engaged and alive. Surrenderingpatterns to God melts them in love. Awareness is seeing patterns unfold and gently telling them‘You are not inherent in my soul; I am looking at you; I held you dearly but now I give you toGod’. In time the patterns fall away. How does an artist cultivate awareness to surrender all that is not beauty?The soul is inherently beautiful. The soul is inherently aware of itself. The soul is awareness.The soul is witnessing unfoldment. The soul is witnessing the world. A slight change of focusinwardly is all that is required. From that meditative stance, patterns are seen, recognized, andgently released. The release is accompanied by relaxation and peace. How does a corrupt artist create beautiful art?While in a state of corruption, bothered by the past, restricted in natural self-expression: throughmeditation, and in states of flow or through alcohol and drugs, the artist communes and makesart. In states of happiness and relaxation, the artist creates freely. When patterns of restrictionarise the artist surrenders them and with newly gained freedom creates art more beautiful thanever before. The only lasting creative flame comes from releasing patterns of restriction ofself-expression. Authentic art is beautiful art. The corrupt artist may also purge the patterns by creating art upon traumatic patterns andcapturing the release of that pattern in the art. Such art holds resolutions and hence is beautiful,deeply emotional, and freeing to the receiver of the art going through similar energeticunfoldment in their life. Drugs and alcohol are but a shadow of divine creation and are no lasting solution to greaterself-expression. Learn to witness, observe, and gently release restrictions of self-expression.Often traumatic events from childhood become deep-rooted patterns that when released allowthe artist to express naturally. The only way out is in. Honey is made from within. The world is a reflection of the internal stateof the artist. The art is a reflection of the artist's inner state of being. What a wonderful learningtool! Solid, undeniable captured pieces of self, suspended in time to witness the divine processof dissolution into art. Dissolve your patterns into the light and create greater and greater art.Delight the world with your art. Free yourself to create beauty. Show your true authentic self,uncover it by creating art, and witness the progress. Be selfless. Selflessness is beauty itself. The most beautiful works of art are not made through corrupt hands. Beauty is a selflessexpression of the soul through art for the delight of the world. The world looking at itself. Adivine artifact of collapsing individuality into God. The spiritual path of art is the artist dissolving through art into God. SongsBooksArticlesLila Tace