
  • A Quick Audit Of Our Life Alignment
    We all understand what alignment is in regards to our car. It’s pulling one way or the other, the steering wheel is crooked when we drive straight. Over time it wears our tires out incorrectly, and if you’ve ever had an old, beat up car like I have, you are literally pulling it one way the entire time you drive. I find our lives are often this way in some areas. We are not in alignment. But we, and I mean me as well, so often think we’re doing others and the world a favor by enduring it. But being sacrificial. That’s what love is, right? Well, I used to think so. I don’t anymore. Not long term. My past episode with Cathy Heller and the message in her new book, Abundant Ever After: Tools For Creating A Life Of Prosperity And Ease, has me looking at my alignment again and considering what the collateral damage could be if I don’t correct it. If you get Cathy’s book, go to cathyheller.com/book and you can get some of her key courses for free. My core devotion is to finding deep fulfillment in life, and helping others find find it as well. When I’m not on this microphone I’m working with people as a life coach and often applying what fulfills them into their work and business. Connect with me at kevinmiller.co or email me at kmiller@kevinmiller.co. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    15 分
  • Can Anything Overcome Our Expectations For Ourselves w/ Spiritual Teacher Cathy Heller
    I grew up in the Christian church amongst celebrated Bible verses, such as, “Ask and ye shall receive,” “Knock and the door will be open to you,” and “Seek, and ye shall find.” These concepts and requests were to be aimed at God. Today we hear a lot about manifesting. This often gets friction from the religious crowd as it feels like credit is given to the individual and not God. In this episode today I have a conversation with Cathy Heller about it. We are not discussing, dissecting, or debating religion or doctrine, but really honing in on our expectations, a concept I’ve been researching again as of late. Can I have faith in God but suffer from not expecting good things to come my way? Can I not have faith in God but benefit because I do expect good things to come my way? And thus my title for this episode of asking, “Can Anything Overcome Our Expectations For Ourselves?” Cathy Heller is a renowned teacher, podcaster and author. She hosts a top spiritual podcast, Abundant Ever After. She is a practitioner of what she cites as the law of reception, and has a large following that includes a lot of the top psychologists I respect and have had here on the podcast. Her recent book is called, Abundant Ever After: Tools For Creating A Life Of Prosperity And Ease, and as I read it I just resonated with Cathy’s spirit and intrigued myself with her perspectives, so following is our discussion together. If you decide to buy her book, go to cathyheller.com/book and she has some of her courses she’ll give you for free. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    1 時間 29 分
  • When Are The Best Times For Certain Activities, Conversations, & Tasks w/ Dan Pink
    We often hear about morning routines and the best time for certain activities. What I mostly hear however, are people’s experiences of what works best for them, and while I’m appreciative they’ve found what works for them, I’m cautious to take anything and say it’s what everyone should do. I am interested in what research actually says though. Dan Pink is one of the most prolific researchers I know when it comes to human potential. I’ve lost track of how many best selling books he has written, such as A Whole New Mind and The Power of Regret. I’ve had Dan on this show multiple times, but this recording was my first time with him and it was around a book he wrote titled, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. Dan did the literal research to find statistics on when the best time was, for us as humans to perform certain activities. What times were best for certain conversations. Think of it as what time is statistically most optimal. What time will give you the best chance of success to do something. I fascinated myself with it, which is why I’m bringing this episode back for you to benefit from. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    1 時間
  • Learn The Two Definitions Of Connection & Which One You Are Missing & Want To Increase
    In the last episode I talked with Dr Adam Dorsay about the four types of connection we want and need as humans. I hope you listened and got benefit. I’ll list them out in this short episode. But here I want to draw attention to the real type of connection we are talking about, and most of us…missing. If we don’t understand, we’ll miss the concept entirely. Imagine one person asking another if they cycle. And the other says, “Absolutely! Almost every day?” So the first person says, “Well great, want to meet back here in the morning and go cycle together?” “Sure,” says the other. The next morning they meet up. One is on a motorcycle. The other on a bicycle. I’m going to help define our connections so we understand what we really want. Dr Dorsay’s book and my muse for this episode is, Super Psyched: Unleash the Power of the 4 Types of Connection and Live the Life You Love. Also find him on his podcast, Super Psyched. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    20 分
  • Why True Connection Is At The Root Of Your Happiness & How To Truly Connect w/ Dr. Adam Dorsay
    Dr. Adam Dorsay is a licensed psychologist and an executive coach in Silicon Valley where he serves people who have achieved all the big trophies of the world; money, status, possessions, power, and some of them, fame. And yet they are coming to him for help. Why? After all these years, he’s written a book to culminate the primary problem he sees. Lack of true connection. We are all out there trying to win the world, and in the process, we neglect our soul. We neglect the primary thing that gives us true joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Connection. This may seem elementary but so are most of the great truths of life. Adam finds there are four key areas of connection that we are missing and it’s taking the joy out of everything else; connection with yourself, others, the world, and something greater. But you can’t just hear that list and fix things. You need to understand what connection really is and how to go about achieving it, because we are all lacking connection to varying degrees and we don’t understand why. Which is why I had Dr Adam Dorsay come onto the show. I wanted to know more for myself, and as you’re about to hear, discussing connect with Adam opened my eyes more, especially in regards to my connection with myself, which is the most common thread of all my research on the human condition. Adam’s book is called Super Psyched: Unleash the Power of the 4 Types of Connection and Live the Life You Love. He also has a podcast of the same name, Super Psyched, that you can check out. I invite you to join me as I talk with Dr Adam Dorsay about how we can better understand and achieve the greatest asset for our lives, connection. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    1 時間 30 分
  • Considering Confidence vs Vulnerability w/ Armless & Legless Nick Vujicic
    You may well know of Nick Vujicic (voo-uh-chich), a famous personality with no arms and no legs. He has an incredible message which you’re about to hear. I’m bringing this episode back because of something Tom Ziglar, who was with me when I talked with Nick, said at a later date as we were discussing confidence. He referenced Nick, saying here is a guy with no arms or legs. He is the most physically vulnerable of just about anyone. And yet he seems to be more confident than almost everyone. I never forgot the sentiment and found myself pondering it again lately after I suffered a loss and was considering my own confidence. I’ll let you think on that while you hear us talk with Nick about challenges. Nick shares that just because someone else’s challenges might seem bigger, it doesn’t negate our own. We all want to know how to deal with them better. With more joy, peace and success. Nick is one of the most sought after speakers on the planet, often getting 100 speaking requests per week because he’s one of the most overcoming, inspirational people you will have ever heard. Tens of millions follow him on social media, and his Youtube videos have literally hundreds of million of views. But it’s real world stuff folks. He almost committed suicide. This isn’t some pollyanna face on hardship. HEre is the conversation Tom Ziglar and I had with Nick. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    1 時間 1 分
  • Considering The Threads Of Why You Are The Way You Are
    I want to talk through looking at probable threads for looking at some of your propensities. I’ve long been interested, and critical, of personality profiles. How much can I know who I truly am, in regards to how I’ve been programmed, even genetically? I’ve continued to try and understand myself in relation to my nature, and my nurture. Which I used to only relate to my conscious existence, but have learned I must consider my genetics as well. Especially after adopting children from a different culture and seeing this play out. This is a continuation of thought from my conversation with psychologist, and professor, Mariel Buqué in the last episode where we talked through the message in her book, Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    21 分
  • Your Genetic Problems That You Can Rightfully Blame On Your Ancestors w/ Mariel Buqué
    That statement I would have not uttered in my past. I don’t align with blaming, accusing, making excuses, and giving any power to anyone but myself. But, I’m changing my tune, thanks to my guest today. If someone runs a red light and smashes into my car, breaking my leg, I am ok to blame them for my broken leg. And admitting I now have a broken leg and can’t go run the next day. It would be dumb to blame myself or to deny the car wreck and sit around perplexed as to why my leg is broken, or blame myself for what…driving through a green light? Recognizing what happened helps me keep myself sane. Then of course, the event is over. I have a broken leg. I was in a car crash. It’s solely up to me to deal with it. To try and heal the leg. To work through the wreck so I don’t have PTSD with driving. My expert guest on this issue is Mariel Buqué. Mariel is a PhD and a Columbia University–trained trauma-informed psychologist, and professor. She has appeared as an expert on Good Morning America and Today and many other outlets, and has offered wellness talks to corporations such as Google, Capital One, and Meta. She is originally from the Dominican Republic and currently lives in New Jersey. I caught up with her recently while she was in Trinidad, to talk about the message in her new book, Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma. I feel this message is important and very useful for us all, because we all have things that happened to our ancestors that affect us. Sign up for your $1/month trial period at shopify.com/kevin Go to shipstation.com and use code KEVIN to start your free trial. Use my promo code WHATDRIVESYOU for 10% off on any CleanMyMac's subscription plans Join millions of Americans reaching their financial goals—starting at just $3/month! Get $25 towards your first stock purchase at get.stash.com/DRIVE. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    1 時間 28 分