Considering a new firm name? Historically, whether to change – and what to change to – was impacted by a limited number of factors. Now that we live in a digital age, and as trends have shifted away from using principal names for the firm name, there are more things to consider: Is the name you want available as a domain name? How easy is it for people to spell and say the name? Does the proposed name make your firm more or less discoverable? In this episode, we outline modern criteria for architecture firm names and explain their importance.
- How a firm name can promote – or impede – firm growth
- The firm name as a tool for legitimizing the firm
- Avoiding confusion with competitors
- Helping your firm be more discoverable by ideal clients
- How to think about a URL
- What the increased use of vocal search means for firm names
Episode Resources:
- Firm naming checklist
Connect with Brian Jones and Patience Jones
- https://graphicmachine.com/
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/graphicmachine/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-jones-graphicmachine/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/patiencejones/