It’s the week between Christmas and New Years. No one knows what day it is, what time it is or what you should be doing. Your kids are feral, having likely been out of school for days on end. There’s extra sugar, extra stimulation, extra affection from relatives but less structure and routine. How do you survive this week and - more impossibly - how are you supposed to parent through it?!
Wendy Snyder is your Parenting Coach for the holidays. She will help you be firm but kind and replace punishment with natural consequences. You can change your family dynamics by shifting your parenting goal to connection with your child instead of controlling their behavior.
Also, we will be discussing Santa in the first part of the episode so please grab some headphones or ensure there are no little listening ears nearby for spoilers.
Get Wendy’s free “Compassionate Discipline” Quick Start learning bundle or listen to The Fresh Start Show to live life as a more confident parent (with kids that listen and cooperate).
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Wendy on IG: @freshstartwendy
Kristin on IG: @kristinmockleryoung
Mosaic on IG: @MosaicCLT
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