To close this podcast (season? Series? Who knows!) I wanted to land with a deep conversation about something complex and complicated: The intersection of DEIB and employer branding. Joining me is Tara Turk-Haynes of Equity Activations, who is ready to get into the weeds with me and start talking about real-world diversity that doesn't end at the box checked.
- Tara's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ttaraturkhaynes/
- Equity Activations: https://www.equityactivations.com/
You can make the talent you want want to work for you!
That's the power and impact of employer branding and it is now within the reach of any company, regardless of size, industry, or "coolness."
Investing in your employer brand will increase the desire talented people have for you as an employer. They will respond to recruiters more often. They will reach out to you. They will accept offers more often.
These are clear business outcomes.
- 🔬 Learn more at: http://employerbrandlabs.com
- Employer brand resources: http://EmployerBrand.ing
- Brought to you by James Ellis, Employer Brand Nerd
- 🇱 LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thewarfortalent/
- 📨 Subscribe to The Change Agent newsletter and get smarter about employer branding for free: https://thechangeagent.news/