Kevin Scribner joined the Marine Fish Conservation Network in December 2023 for an online Waterside Chat with host Tom Sadler. Affectionally known as "Scribfish" by friends and colleagues, Kevin is a fisherman, poet, and advocate known for his eclectic and wide-ranging interests related to marine resource issues. Kevin and Tom covered a lot of ground (and water), including:
- How "if you are what you eat", Kevin has become a salmon many times over
- How salmon runs in the Pacific Northwest are hurt by bad management practices on dry land ("What runs off the land is how the land talks to the water")
- How to work with landowners in a market-based program to improve their practices and help them earn a "Salmon Safe" designation
- How this model can be applied to other species and other places, which is why he's recently been working with fishermen in Japan and Hawaii
- How using local resources to solve local problems can help keep food systems (and people!) working during times of duress
- Why you have to be a dreamer and an optimist to keep fishing
Listen to the full conversation to hear about these topics and much more!
Mentioned in this Chat:
Watch this Chat on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQhJjuhgs_4
Watch more Waterside Chats or subscribe to the podcast: https://conservefish.org/resources/waterside-chat/
The Marine Fish Conservation Network’s Waterside Chat series connects people who depend on healthy oceans and fisheries with the issues that directly affect them and their communities. Each episode the Network’s Deputy Director Tom Sadler talks with different guests about ocean policy and fisheries management topics. He engages them in genuine and thoughtful conversations about what policy decisions mean for people’s livelihoods, communities, recreation, and coastal ways of life.
Join the Network's email list to learn about future Waterside Chats: https://conservefish.org/join-our-email-list/