• 1. Who Worships In Spirit and Truth? (John 4:1-24)

    Today, I would like to explain what this means. The Lord said, “Those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). This means that we must be moved by the Holy Spirit when we worship God—that is, we must be moved by God Himself. What kind of faith, then, is required to worship God in spirit and truth? It’s the kind of faith that requires us to worship God by believing that the Lord shouldered all our sins by being baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, and that He also bore the condemnation of all these sins. In other words, we worship God in spirit and truth because of the gift of the Holy Spirit that we have received from God as a result of accepting the remission of sins into our hearts by faith. Because we believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, we are compelled to confess our faith and say, “God is my Lord and my God.”


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  • 3. Deny Your Own Thoughts (2 Kings 5:15-19)

    Today, I would like to explain to you what we must all know to live out our faith. It’s written here in today’s Scripture reading that General Naaman was healed from his leprosy by Elisha, a servant of God. Naaman was the commander of the army of the king of Syria, and although he was a greatly honored man who made huge contributions to his kingdom, he was also a leper. At that time his leprosy was getting so bad that he was struggling to lead a normal married life or take care of the affairs of the kingdom. In his house during that time was a young girl from Israel working in his household as a slave brought in by captivity, and this Hebrew girl told Naaman’s wife that if only her master could go and see a prophet in Israel, he would be healed from his leprosy for sure. Upon hearing this good news, he went to Israel as a last-ditch effort, and as was the custom, he took the Syrian king’s personal letter to the king of Israel. The king of Israel then sent Naaman to God’s servant Elisha.


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  • 2. What Does It Mean to Be Truly Born Again? (John 4:1-19)

    Today’s revival meeting addresses the question, “What does it mean to be truly born again?” As you are well aware, these days the phrase “being born again” is glibly used in various circles, including politicians and other religions. You might have heard politicians saying that their party must be born again, or someone saying that his family must be born again. People speak of being born again constantly. But what does being born again really mean? To be born again means, to be born with a new life. But I wonder how many speaking of this rebirth really know its true meaning, other than its simple notation. It’s most probably how people think that they can be born again when they just change their thoughts and behaviors.


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  • 5. We Must Be Born Again By Believing in The Gospel of The Water and the Spirit (John 3:1-5)

    As we know by now there are Christians who think they can be cleansed from their sins if they offer many prayers of repentance, so that’s all they do. Some Christians give lots of offerings, thinking that they will be loved by God for doing this. While others devote their whole lives planting new churches, convinced that by doing this God will approve of them.


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  • 4. Your True Self and The Love of the Lord (John 3:16)

    Warm greetings to all our fellow believers. I am thankful that I am able to preach the Word of the Lord in this church. And I would also like to give my profound thanks to the minister and his wife serving the Lord here, including all the saints gathered here today.
    The size of this congregation has increased somewhat from the last time I was here. I trust that just as I have, you have also been at peace in the Lord. Let us all then turn to the Word and see what God is saying to us at this hour.


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  • 7. Believing in God’s Work Is Doing God’s Work (John 6:16-29)

    We just read John 6:16-29 for today’s Scripture reading. It’s written in John 6:28-29, “Then they said to Him, ‘What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?’ Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.” God’s heart is glad when we believe in the One whom God sent. This is what God desires from us, and it is also what today’s Scripture passage is teaching us. Therefore, to believe in the One sent by God is to do His work.


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  • 6. The Faith That Overcomes This World (John 15:1-9)

    When we turn to the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament, we see the people of Israel about to cross the Jordan River into the land of Canaan after escaping from Egypt. Before the people of Israel entered the land of Canaan, however, Moses first sent out scouts. One man was selected from each of the tribes, for a total of 12 spies. Moses then said to these men, “Draw a map of the land of Canaan, and report everything you see to me.” The twelve men then left for the land of Canaan to spy out the land, they drew a map, and brought a cluster of grapes back with them so large that it took two men to carry it. They then reported to Moses the following: “The land of Canaan is a very fertile and wonderful place to live in. The grapes are so huge that it took two men to carry a cluster like this, and so you can see just how bountiful the land is. But, although the land is very fertile, the tribes there are too big and strong for us. There also are Nephilim (giants), the descendants of Anak. Although the land of Canaan is a great place to live in, we look like grasshoppers compared to its inhabitants. So, if we enter into that land, we will all be killed. Therefore, it would be better for us to pack up and return to Egypt. We will be completely wiped out if we enter the land of Canaan.” Ten of the spies had a report like this. Despite completing their mission successfully, they reported negatively, as they were faithless.


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  • 9. Our Lord Has Blessed Us To Follow Him Even though We Have So Many Shortcomings (John 21:15-19)

    We have just read John 21:15-19 for today’s Scripture reading. Here in this passage Jesus asked Peter three times, “Do you love Me?” and Peter answered and said, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” Every time Peter answered, the Lord told him, “Fee My lambs,” “Tend My sheep,” and “Feed My sheep.” The Lord then said to Peter, “When you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.” This took place after the Lord was crucified and rose from the dead.


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