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A: Chaos in every field of life is becoming an universal phenomena. Is it, do you think, sir, symptomatic of some fundamental change in the shape of the things as they stand today? B: Of course all these things are for the change of the world. The mentality of the people will change, and they will all be spiritualized, all be spiritualized. And what I'm telling you, I have written in "Efficacy of Raj Yoga", "The civilization will arise from the bones and ashes", that means too much bloodshed. Well I have written in "Efficacy of Raj Yoga". It is all good, it is all good I am telling you. I am telling you, there was so many things about India also, some Pakistan attacks and so on, and these troubles, and a man asked me a question ., and I said, "This is all good for India". Things themselves say, "I have come for this purpose". In other words I feel that they speak themselves. They speak themselves. "I am here for this purpose". Just a talk, I am telling you in my case. Suppose this calamity falls upon any country, God forbids, and when I visualize, they say that I have come for this purpose. So every trouble, every difficulty comes for something good, and it brings something good. Because piety runs, after every trouble piety… I am telling you since you are spiritual. God forbids, suppose you are suffering from fever, and after two or three days when you get up, and you just yourself, you will find, 'Very light'. A: Yes. It’s the cleaning B: That means, Impressions have gone back. The poison which was in the body that has been removed by the nature herself. Nature wants to see you as when you were, when you came here for the first time. That is, purity, God is purity is there in God, now he work with that purity and it came to our share also. So He wants that I may remain as pure as we were born, for the first time. So that, similarly the difficulties are there. Difficulties are to bring that state, that is a state of tranquility, that is for that purpose. A: Sometimes it is nice to become ill? B: Of course we do not like it. And in my case I am telling you. Of course when I am suffering from pain or any other thing, of course I feel disturbed, but I do not take medicine for some time. Let me feel it. And I enjoy it. I don't know, enjoyment is also there, trouble is also there, both things are there in my case I am telling you. So I do not take medicine. Let it come into full swing. I wait for that. Look here, this is nothing but foolishness. A: No. It's good.