
  • Today Expect God’s Favor!

    Today expect God's favor.

    "For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield." Ps 5:12 NKJV

    The Bible says that God will surround the righteous with favor. If you are trusting in the finished work of Christ, God sees you as "righteous" (See Ro 3:22).

    So, you qualify; you can pray, "Lord, I need your favor in this job interview," or "in selling this house," or "in making this deal," or "in going on this date," etc. Be prepared for your old programming to kick in, where you think about the word "righteous"; you begin to wonder if your thoughts, words, and deeds are good enough to deserve God's favor. Here is a truth you need to keep in mind: The only righteousness that God responds to is the righteousness of Christ. And since He has placed you "in Christ," you are always qualified to ask God for favor and believe He will grant it. You are saved by grace. And the word grace means

    • "unearned,
    • unmerited,
    • undeserved favor."

    The world's concept of favor is misleading: "She owes me a favor," or "I don't owe you any favors!" In other words, the world's concept of favor is totally performance based.

    But the only performance God looks at when it comes to granting you His favor is Christ's performance on your behalf and the fact that you are trusting totally in Him. His life covers all your sins of omission, and His death covers all your sins of commission. And since God always sees you "in Christ," in His eyes you are always qualified for favor.

    "Righteousness...shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus" (Ro 4:22,24 NKJV).

    So, today expect God's favor. Today expect God's favor Unearned, unmerited, undeserved favor

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  • Growth Is About Enlargement.

    Growth is about enlargement.

    "You enlarged my path." Ps 18:36 NKJV

    Read these enlargement Scriptures: "You enlarged my path." "Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh, that You would...enlarge my territory'" (1Ch 4:10 NKJV). "Enlarge the place of your tent...lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes" (Isa 54:2 NKJV).

    God wants to enlarge you

    • spiritually,
    • emotionally,
    • relationally,
    • and in every area of your life.

    But to experience enlargement, you must learn from people larger than you.

    Dr. John Maxwell writes: "The first ten years that I was intentionally pursuing personal growth, I was always behind trying to catch up. I had to get over the comparison gap. I recognized I needed to be exposed to bigger and better leaders outside of my own small circle, but when I stepped out of my comfort zone, I was intimidated. It was clear that I was not in their league. Their organizations were six times the size of mine, and they had many more and much better ideas than I did. I felt like I was in over my head and trying to swim. Despite that, I was encouraged. Why? Because I discovered that great men were willing to share their ideas. And I was learning so much. You can only learn if others are ahead of you. It was a difficult transition, but it was well worth it. So if you are aware that others are better than you, don't be discouraged. Be glad others are there to help show you the way. Growth is not a rocking chair you sit in, it's a mountain you climb each day. But there is good news. As Jim Rohn said, 'You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight!'"

    Growth is about enlargement Be glad others are there to help show you the way.

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  • Governed by Christ's love for us.

    Governed by Christ's love for us.

    "For the love of Christ constraineth us." 2Co 5:14

    The most powerful incentive to overcoming sin is not our love for Christ, but His love for us. Even with the best of intentions, our love for Him is subject to fluctuations. Jesus said to the church in Ephesus, "You have left your first love" (Rev 2:4 NKJV). He said to the church in Laodicea that their love had become

    "lukewarm" (Rev 3:16). Many of us grew up in churches where we were told that the reason we yield to certain carnal traits is because we don't love the Lord enough. So, we try harder, without success, and get discouraged. That's like putting the cart before the horse. It should be the other way around. The secret of victorious Christian living is not found in trying to love Jesus more, but in having a revelation of His love for you. That's why Paul wrote, "The love of Christ constraineth us." Paul's actions were governed by the knowledge of Christ's incredible love for him. If you're struggling with sinful habits today, pray for a revelation of God's love for you. It makes all the difference! Paul writes: "I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts...as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love; and may you be able to... understand... how long, how wide, how deep, and how high his love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never...fully... understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God himself" (Eph 3:17-19 TLB).

    Governed by Christ's love for us A revelation of His love for you

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  • God uses damaged people

    God uses damaged people.

    "When you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers." Lk 22:32 NLT

    Too often people are devalued or dismissed because of what they have been through in life. Sometimes it's because of what they have done to others, sometimes it's because of what others have done to them. If you have been to a consignment store, you know there are valuable items at deeply discounted prices; you just have to know what you're looking for. Jesus does.

    In His eyes you may be "down" but you're not "out." Peter's sorrow over denying Jesus ran so deep that he decided to go back to his old job as a fisherman. Can you imagine the scuttlebutt around the harbor? "That's the guy who turned his back on Jesus." Were Peter a pastor, we would have called for his resignation. At the very least, he would have nothing to say that we would be interested in listening to. Yet, he was the first person Jesus went looking for after the resurrection. And when Jesus saw Peter, He never mentioned it —not even once. But three times He asked him, "Do you love me?" When Peter answered yes three times, Jesus said, "Feed my sheep," referring to his future as pastor and head of the church (See Jn 21:15-17).

    Jesus looked beyond Peter's failed past and saw his future. Peter's failure was not a surprise. Jesus had told him, "When you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen your brothers." The weakness he had overcome and the restoring grace he had experienced became some of his greatest teaching tools in helping others. Yes, God will reprove you, but it's to restore you and use you for His purposes.

    God uses damaged people

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  • Understanding the word "imputed"

    Understanding the word "imputed"

    "Righteousness...shall be imputed [transferred] to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus." Ro 4:22, 24 NKJV

    Picture a transfer of funds from one account to another. Banks do it every day. Now imagine yourself destitute and unable to pay your debts. Then in an astounding act of grace, someone assumes all your debts and then transfers to your account such abundance that you never have to work or worry for the rest of your life. That's what happened at the cross when God imputed to Jesus all your sins from the cradle to the grave and imputed all His righteousness to you.

    Mind-blowing, isn't it?

    • Would you say, "No thanks, I believe in paying my own way"?
    • Would you say, "I can't allow you to do everything while I do nothing, so I'll work for the rest of my life to prove myself worthy of your love and grace"?

    Salvation is like health food that's labeled "no man-made additives." Understand this: The righteousness required for getting into heaven is not about behaving the right way, but believing the right way.

    You say, "But I feel such guilt when I sin." You're supposed to! Your new nature is reacting to sin just as your body does to food poisoning. Your boundaries have been violated and your regenerate spirit is saying that you can't indulge in that anymore; it's not who you are! Why did God arrange the plan of salvation in this way? Because any righteousness we could achieve falls far short of His standards. He actually calls it "filthy rags." Understand this: Your rewards in heaven are based upon your behavior, but getting into heaven is based on trusting in Christ alone.

    Understanding the word "imputed" It's not about behaving the right way, but believing the right way.

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  • You are not beyond God's reach.

    You are not beyond God's reach.

    "But He needed to go through Samaria." Jn 4:4 NKJV

    The Bible says that Jesus "left Judea and departed again to Galilee. But He needed to go through Samaria" (vv. 3-4 NKJV). In case you may not be aware of it, Samaria was not on the way to Galilee. Actually, it was miles out of the way. Yet, the Bible says Jesus "needed to go." Think about it:

    • It was a long journey, and
    • He was on foot.
    • It was hot.
    • As a Jew, He wouldn't be welcomed there because of a long-standing animosity between Jews and Samaritans.
    • As for the woman at the well that He went to meet, women in that culture were forbidden to talk to men outside of their own family.
    • Furthermore, this woman was the talk of the town because she had been through five divorces.
    • So, why did Jesus feel like He "needed to go"?

    Because He saw this woman as a diamond in the rough. While those around her talked about her past and her problems, Jesus saw her potential for His kingdom. "Many of the Samaritans... believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified" (v. 39 NKJV).

    To reach Galilee on God's schedule, Jesus had to throw man's schedule out the window. But the schedule didn't control Him. What did? The will of God and the unmet needs of hurting people.

    And He was willing to go out of His way, turn tradition on its head, and break new ground in order to do it. How about you? Can God interrupt your plans? If He can, then He can use you. Pray, "Lord, show me what I must do today in order to please you."

    You are not beyond God's reach Can God interrupt your plans?

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  • Change Your Routine.

    FEB. 13, 2025

    Change your routine.

    "I will lead them in paths they have not known." Isa 42:16 NKJV

    As attested by the law of requisite variety, the continued existence of any system requires the ability to cultivate variety in its internal structures. In physical exercise, for example, routines eventually become useless. If you exercise the same way each time you work out, your muscles begin adapting and stop developing. You have to change your routine. You have to disorient them. This is true spiritually.

    One author writes: "When I'm in a spiritual slump, nine times out of ten, something sacred has become routine. I'm sure it differs by personality, but one of the ways I snap out of a spiritual slump is by disturbing my routine and experimenting with spiritual disciplines.

    Sometimes all it takes is a small change in routine.

    • Volunteer at a local homeless shelter.
    • Start keeping a gratitude journal.
    • Get plugged into a small group or Bible study.
    • Take a day off and do a personal retreat.
    • Or just get up a little earlier in the morning and spend a little extra time with God.

    One of the small changes in routine that has helped me rejuvenate my devotional times is picking up a new translation of Scripture. New words help me think new thoughts." In order to grow spiritually, you need consistency, structure, and discipline. But when you go through a spiritual dry spell, try changing your spiritual routine. Instead of doing things the way you have always done them, try doing things differently. "I will lead them in paths they have not known." God doesn't change, but He moves! And in order to get to where God wants to take you, you must be willing to move with Him.

    Change your routine To grow spiritually, you need consistency.

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  • Fear is the enemy of growth

    Fear is the enemy of growth.

    "Tell the children of Israel to go forward.'" Ex 14:15 NKJV

    If you want to grow, you need to get over any fear you may have of making mistakes. As author and professor Warren Bennis states, "A mistake is simply another way of doing things." So, expect to make mistakes along the way, and embrace them as a sign that you are going in the right direction. With the Red Sea in front of them and Pharaoh's chariots behind them, the children of Israel panicked. "The Lord said to Moses, 'Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward'" (v. 15 NKJV).

    When they did, the Red Sea became a pathway to victory and a burial ground for the enemy they feared. If you have to find "the best way" or "the perfect way," you will never get anywhere. It's like driving on an unknown road at night. Ideally, you would like to see your entire route before you start out. Instead, you see it little by little. As you keep going, a little more of the road is revealed to you. So, if you want to see more of the way, get moving.

    Make a commitment to yourself to start on your growth plan and keep at it for at least twelve months. If you do, you will develop a love for the process, and at the end of the year, you will be able to see how far you have come. "Enlarge the place of your tent...stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes. For you shall expand to the right and to the left" (Isa 54:2-3 NKJV).

    Fear is the enemy of growth Expect to make mistakes along the way.

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