I feel silly even writing an intro for Vegan Gains, since he's one of the most recognizable vegan activists on YouTube. So I'll write this with a personal touch. There's probably no one even close to the amount of content I've viewed online as Richard Burgess. Partly, that's because he streams all the time, and they are often a very entertaining mix of subject matter. I've learned a great deal and strengthened my own convictions partly as a result of Richard's content. He is someone who doesn't care what anyone thinks. That can come off with mixed results. He can be abrasive and come across as mean, but it also makes for very honest and therefore informative viewing. I have found him personally to be very kind and generous. As someone who has watched Vegan Gains throughout the years, I feel like I know him better than I know some of the closest people to me. And I've got his back. And that is because he has the animals' backs. And regardless of people getting their feelings hurt over his choice of words, he has the backs of who he sees being victimized, no matter who they are. I find that refreshing and needed. As activists, we have to be ok with being not liked. We just have to say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done. I feel like Richard embodies that in ways that are admirable. When I was scheduling interviews over on Wayne Hsiung's channel (a role I've stepped away from), Richard was a top priority of mine and it turned out to have been a nice fit, as those conversations between them have been among the liveliest and most intellectually stimulating on the channel. Richard and I have talked only very briefly prior to this interview. This is the first time we have really spoken in depth, and it was an honor. Watch this conversation on YouTube. Links: Vegan Gains YT Vegan Gains IG Toronto slaughter footage Richard video on Regan Russell Richard calling out some BS Gary Yourofsky's speech Watch Earthlings Watch Dominion