
  • Meet Tim - Burnout and Personal Relationships
    Meet Tim. It’s Friday night, and Tim is still at the office, grappling with a harsh reality. Earlier in the day, he discovered his colleague, with just two years at the company, received the promotion Tim had been striving for. To top it off, his phone buzzes with missed calls and a breakup text from his girlfriend of four years: “It’s over.” Tim, an engineer at a major tech company, has dedicated six years of relentless effort to his job, with only one promotion to show for it. His devotion to work has come at a significant personal cost. Just this Monday, Tim was confident about his senior manager interview. He put work first, staying late every night, convinced it would all pay off. But now, with his colleague’s promotion and his relationship in ruins, Tim feels devastated and burnt out. Zach White, founder of Oasis of Courage and host of The Happy Engineer Podcast, could offer Tim invaluable guidance on managing burnout, advancing his career, and restoring work-life balance. In this episode, Jay sits down with Zach White to discuss Tim’s story. Zach shares insights on achieving career success while maintaining personal fulfillment, stressing the importance of clarity, progress, and aligning with core values. They explore practical tools like the "Wheel of Life" to help Tim and others navigate challenges, working toward a more balanced and fulfilling life. Tune in to this episode to discover actionable strategies to transform your work and life. In This Episode: (00:01) Tim’s story (01:21) Tim's interview preparation (02:45) Tim's late nights (03:41) Zach White introduction (04:18) Podcast theme (04:26) Jay's story connection (06:09) Zach's background (07:12) Zach's rock bottom moment (09:46) Be smart, work hard (12:17) Understanding burnout (15:17) Prioritizing fulfillment (16:33) Tim's pitfalls (20:23) Identifying values (23:26) Understanding values in adversity (24:29) The role of professional coaching (24:46) Evidence-based self-discovery (25:38) Balancing left and right brain thinking (26:12) Creating a safe coaching environment (30:25) Lifestyle engineering framework (31:51) The wheel of life exercise (32:57) Courageous action and incremental change (36:15) Dealing with professional disappointment (41:42) Mindset and future foundations (43:43) Pursuing goals with detachment (45:12) Getting unstuck: clarity and progress (46:59) Identifying goals (48:06) Awareness of progress (48:47) Finding help (50:02) Coaching benefits (51:00) Insights from the conversation (52:57) Actionable takeaways (54:07) Next episode preview Notable Quotes “Tim's relentless work ethic has now cost him the one person he never wanted to lose.” — Jay Abbasi “Burnout begins the moment that you're burning fuel faster than you're filling the tank.” — Zach White “When your values are being hit perfectly, you feel resonance with them. That’s what brings joy and fulfillment.” — Zach White “No matter how much work I try to do on my own, I always move faster and farther with a coach.” — Jay Abbasi Our Guest Zach White, founder of Oasis for Courage and host of The Happy Engineer Podcast, helps engineering managers get promoted, avoid burnout, and lead with courage. As an engineer himself, he’s learned how to find success at work and at home and now coaches engineers to help them get promoted while designing a life they love. Resources and Links Unstuck Podcast Website: https://jayabbasi.me/podcast Zach White Website: https://oasisofcourage.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thezachwhite/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oasisofcourage/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zacharyowhite/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TheHappyEngineer Jay Abbasi Website: https://jayabbasi.me/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayabbasi/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jayabbasi_/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thejayabbasi/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jayabbasipodcast
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  • Meet Natalia - Setting Boundaries When You're Overworked
    Meet Natalia. It’s 6 p.m. on a Friday, and she’s still at the office, gritting her teeth and holding back tears. She has just replied “yes” to her manager’s Slack message asking if the Monday presentation will be ready. She sees that the message was read, but received no response. Overworked and understaffed, Natalia feels increasingly underappreciated. Rewind to 5 a.m. that Friday. Natalia, a customer success manager at a Minneapolis media service provider, starts her day with a heavy heart. Living alone with her French bulldog, she’s consumed by her workload. After walking her dog, she heads to the office by 7 a.m. to prepare for the day. Determined to work on a crucial presentation for Monday, an urgent email from her manager about a customer complaint quickly diverts her attention. She listens to the call recording, drafts a response, and plans to meet with the representative who made the error. Her manager’s call further cuts into her preparation time. By 7:53 a.m., with no time left for the presentation, she rushes to the 8am meeting. The meetings feel unproductive, and earlier layoffs have forced everyone to shoulder more responsibilities without additional compensation or title changes. By the end of the day, Natalia is still at her desk, feeling like she’s on autopilot, juggling emails and meetings. Her manager’s lack of feedback leaves her feeling isolated. Jay sits down to explore Natalia’s situation, offering practical advice to improve her circumstances. He emphasizes setting focused work time, advocating for shorter, more efficient meetings, and managing additional responsibilities through clear communication and prioritization. This episode aims to provide actionable insights for listeners facing similar professional challenges, fostering a healthier work-life balance and overall well-being. In This Episode: (00:00) Natalia's story (01:25) Natalia's morning routine (02:46) Challenges faced during meetings (04:17) Mindset shift for personal well-being (06:42) Importance of deep work (09:56) Managing meeting times (11:39) Setting intentions in meetings (13:11) Addressing unsupportive managers (15:19) Setting boundaries at work (17:53) Reframing identity beyond work (19:14) Key insights and actionable takeaways (20:16) Setting non-negotiable focus time (21:08) Shortening meeting durations (21:08) Managing additional work requests (22:16) Teaser for next episode Notable Quotes [00:15] “She sees that the message is read but gets no reply. Overworked and understaffed, Natalia has never felt less appreciated.” — Jay Abbasi [04:17] “It can feel so overwhelming when the amount of work that is on your plate just seems insurmountable, and that's what I sense that Natalia is going through here.” — Jay Abbasi [13:11] “Assume positive intent with this manager. Don't assume that the manager is someone who's out to get you or doesn't care about you. Maybe the manager themselves have a lot on their plate and they're just not thinking it through.” — Jay Abbasi [20:16] “You are the CEO of your life; you can decide on that, and if other people around you are not accepting of it, either you have to socialize that back to them and get them on board with you, or you need to change your environment.” — Jay Abbasi [21:08] “Acknowledge what it is that they’re saying, then walk through the priorities, and ask, 'Do I take this on and have to reduce or let go of one of these other priorities, or should we delegate that?'” — Jay Abbasi Resources and Links Unstuck Podcast Website: https://jayabbasi.me/podcast Jay Abbasi Website: https://jayabbasi.me/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayabbasi/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jayabbasi_/ Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009650444728&_rdc=1&_rdr YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@jayabbasipodcast
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  • Meet Bryant - Cultivating A Balanced Mind
    Meet Bryant. He’s just landed a new Senior Director role at a pharmaceutical company, but instead of feeling elated, he’s staring out the window, consumed by nerves and self-doubt. Over the past 5 years, Bryant has faced 3 layoffs, each one forcing him to ask hard questions: What went wrong? Was it office politics, bad luck, or something he’s missing? Now, as he prepares for his new role, Bryant reflects on his past and wonders how to avoid repeating the same mistakes. He’s determined to find a new path to success. Jay sits down with Dr. Clara Seeger to uncover how Bryant can tackle his emotional hurdles and emerge as a more balanced leader. Dr. Seeger, a specialist in mindfulness and executive coaching, offers invaluable insights on managing emotions and enhancing leadership skills. Tune in to discover the power of sustainable well-being, self-compassion, and mindfulness practices in improving leadership effectiveness and overall emotional health. In This Episode: (00:00) Bryant’s story (01:11) Bryant's first layoff (01:41) COVID layoff (02:22) Realization after layoffs (02:47) Introduction of Dr. Clara Seeger (03:47) Clara's background in banking (08:31) Cultivating a balanced mind (09:40) Pursuit of happiness (14:35) Bryant's emotional struggles (16:59) Bryant's lack of self-awareness as a key issue in his leadership (20:04) Neuroscience of emotional triggers (23:46) Neuroplasticity and emotional regulation (25:13) Five finger breathing technique (27:22) The importance of redirecting attention (28:09) Self-compassion practices (30:14) Understanding cause and effect (33:25) Identifying with feelings (37:05) Formal vs. informal mindfulness practices (40:30) Recommended practices for Bryant (47:06) Maintaining awareness throughout the day (52:31) The habit of self-reflection (53:23) Insights on wellbeing (53:31) Self-awareness and triggers (54:51) Letting go of feelings (55:58) Five finger breathing technique (55:58) Three-step mindfulness practice (55:58) Maintaining a portion of attention on oneself during interactions Notable Quotes [25:47] “The beauty of this practice is that it really calms down your nervous system, which is obviously in a very heightened state when we are anxious and stressed.” — Dr. Clara Seeger [28:31] “One of the things that becomes a big issue for them is how harsh they are towards themselves, how they beat themselves up so much. Oh, you did it again. Oh, you're going to do it again. You're going to fail.” — Jay Abbasi [29:05] “Compassion practice is really important in the sense of getting in touch with the moment of suffering that is experiencing and noticing the judgments, and normalizing that, accepting that this is a moment of suffering.” — Dr. Clara Seeger [50:19] “When we are angry, look at the anger. Don't look at the person who's triggered the anger because they're only triggering. Turn our awareness back onto ourselves and say, what's happening in my own mind?” — Dr. Clara Seeger [53:31] “Sustainable well-being is something that we cultivate from within, with practices such as gratitude, mindfulness, and compassion.” — Jay Abbasi [55:58] “Bringing 10 to 20% of your attention to yourself throughout the day helps cultivate self-awareness and makes it habitual.” — Jay Abbasi Our Guest Dr. Clara Seeger is a distinguished accredited coach, corporate facilitator, speaker, and author. She partners with international companies and individuals to deliver transformative mindfulness interventions, cutting-edge neuroscience-based leadership development, and personalized executive coaching. Her work empowers leaders and teams to achieve exceptional growth and resilience in today’s dynamic environment. Resources and Links Unstuck Podcast Website Jay Abbasi Website LinkedIn Instagram Facebook YouTube Dr. Clara Seeger Website LinkedIn Mentioned Judson Brewer's YouTube Video on Five Finger Breathing Mindfulness at Work in a Week
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  • Meet Sal - The Thief Of Joy We Call "Comparison"
    Meet Sal, a Program Manager, who’s filled with self-doubt, sinking into the sofa after reading a LinkedIn notification on his phone. It’s 6:30 p.m., and after a quiet family dinner, he’s scrolling through LinkedIn. A notification from Devin, his college buddy, announces a promotion to director, accompanied by a flood of congratulatory comments. Sal’s heart sinks. They’re the same age, same degree, but Devin’s career is soaring while he feels stagnant. Doubts creep in—why not me? Is there something wrong with me? As frustration and self-doubt take hold, Sal is left questioning his worth and feeling trapped in a career rut. Sal’s frustration is a clear sign of a larger issue: the comparison trap, especially in the age of social media. Scrolling through LinkedIn, it’s easy to fall into the habit of measuring our success against others. But why do we let these comparisons dictate our self-worth? Jay sits down for an eye-opening chat in this episode, where he takes on the tricky topic of workplace comparison using Sal’s story as a guide. He dives into how comparing ourselves to others can mess with our mental health and career growth. Jay shares down-to-earth advice on how to tackle these feelings, like practicing gratitude, taking real steps forward, and setting limits on social media. And don’t miss the sneak peek of our next episode about Bryant, who’s grappling with self-doubt in his new role—more great insights are coming your way! In This Episode: (00:01) Sal's story (02:33) Today’s hot topic (03:50) Why humans are wired to compare (06:08) The dark side of comparison – what the research shows (07:20) Modern comparison challenges (08:22) Recognizing patterns of comparison (09:28) Steps to overcome comparison (12:23) Practicing gratitude (14:22) Objective analysis of career growth (15:21) Setting social media boundaries (16:25) Key insights (18:27) Actionable takeaways (20:41) What’s coming up in the next episode? Notable Quotes [08:09] “It's not your fault that you fall into that pattern of comparison. It's not like you mean to do it. I think that alone is a very helpful context for people to realize you didn't do it to yourself.” — Jay Abbasi [12:02] “Sal has a lot to be grateful for, and I feel like he's not noticing it. He has a loving and supportive wife, a beautiful healthy child, and they spend quality time together. He works from home, and these are things that maybe Devin doesn't have.” — Jay Abbasi [12:54] “It's just a perspective shift to get out of the pattern of here's what I want, but I don't have, and to shift into a pattern of here's what I want that I do have.” — Jay Abbasi [19:37] “We need to be able to discern what are the things that are worthy of distraction and what are not. Because every one of those notifications is a distraction.” — Jay Abbasi Resources and Links Unstuck Podcast Website Jay Abbasi Website LinkedIn Instagram Facebook YouTube
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  • Meet Priya - The Link Between Anxiety and Cardiovascular Health
    Meet Priya. A dedicated palliative care physician and single mother who finds herself lying in a hospital bed completely baffled by how everything spiraled out of control. From unsettling whispers at her hospice center to battling dizziness and chest tightness during her ER shift, Priya’s relentless commitment has brought her to this breaking point. Jay sits down with Dr. Jonathan Fisher, a renowned cardiologist and mindfulness expert in this episode of Unstuck. Together, they explore Priya's journey, shedding light on how professionals can navigate the demanding pressures of their careers while prioritizing personal well-being. Jay and Dr. Fisher explore the intricate link between anxiety and cardiovascular health. Dr. Fisher shares actionable strategies for managing anxiety, including identifying internal and external triggers and employing body-centered techniques. They also discuss the "7 timeless traits of the heart" for building emotional resilience and highlight the critical role of self-care and mindfulness in maintaining overall well-being. Tune in to this enlightening episode to uncover valuable insights and practical tips for managing anxiety and enhancing well-being in both your personal and professional life. Let’s dive in! In This Episode: (00:01) Priya's story (01:59) Introduction to today’s topic (02:09) Introduction to Dr. Jonathan Fisher (03:22) Personal connection and gratitude (06:01) Dr. Fisher's breaking point (08:26) Dr. Fisher's exploration of mindfulness, meditation, and its impact on his life (12:09) Benefits of meditation (13:27) Thoughts keep us stuck (16:39) The connection between anxiety and cardiovascular health (20:58) How to reinterpret and challenge anxiety (26:11) Understanding Priya's experience (29:37) The importance of self-awareness (31:12) The seven timeless traits of the heart (37:48) The mask of happiness (38:48) The importance of living truthfully and being vulnerable (39:30) The responsibility of organizations in supporting employees' well-being and managing stress (40:44) Revolution in modern work (42:04) Business case for well-being (44:32) Starting the conversation (47:14) Recommendations for Priya to explore her core identity and desires (50:51) Suggested practices for Priya to tap into stillness and mindfulness (52:08) Key insights and actionable takeaways Notable Quotes [13:41] “80% of our thoughts are negative. That's four out of every five. And 95% of our thoughts are repetitive.” — Jay Abbasi [17:11] “My view now on anxiety is that it's an incredibly useful, potentially useful state… I used to think it was something to be ashamed of.” — Dr. Jonathan Fisher [25:08] “It's in me, it's not me. Meaning, it's in me—the challenge, the disruption—and if I can observe it with detachment, I cannot be that which I observe.” — Jay Abbasi [37:52] “I wore this mask of happiness and lightness, and there was a huge gap between what I was showing other people and what I was feeling in here.” — Dr. Jonathan Fisher [39:12] “Living your truth means being able to express and show your truth without feeling shame or fear of what others would think.” — Jay Abbasi Our Guest Jonathan Fisher has overcome a decade of anxiety, depression, and burnout as a cardiologist, now dedicated to helping others care for their hearts — both physical and emotional. A Harvard-trained physician with 20 years of experience, he is also a certified mindfulness facilitator and well-being leader for a team of 38,000. Jonathan provides corporate onboarding, leadership development, keynotes, workshops, and retreats, emphasizing mindset mastery and emotional intelligence. Resources and Links Unstuck Podcast Website Jay Abbasi Website LinkedIn Instagram Facebook YouTube Dr. Jonathan Fisher Website LinkedIn Instagram Facebook YouTube Mentioned Just One Heart: A Cardiologist’s Guide to Healing, Health, and Happiness
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  • Unstuck with Jay Abbasi - Trailer
    Real people. Real stories. Real solutions. I’m Jay Abbasi, host of Unstuck, and as a former leader at Tesla, I understand the whirlwind of challenges in the modern work scene. In this podcast, we reveal how to thrive in demanding work environments through relatable, real-life stories. Each episode starts with a true story of modern professional challenges, followed by expert insights to help you thrive at work including practical advice on resilience, mental health, and work life balance. Get unstuck and build the life and career you’ve always wanted.
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