Scripture - Luke 24:13-25 “Surprise Encounter”. Other scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:20, Romans 10:17, Hebrews 13:20-21 The first day of Jesus’ Resurrection was a day of surprises! Today’s story is one of the most incredible stories in the Bible. It is one of the most incredible acts of historical reporting found anywhere in all of literature and all of history! It is the story of two disciples on the road to Emmaus and their surprise encounter with the One who is risen from the dead! The last day of the week is the Jewish day of the Sabbath Day which is a Saturday. Today’s story takes place on Sunday, the first day of the week. But this was a special “first day of the week” because this particular Sunday was the first day after the Sabbath of Passover and thus a festival day: The Festival of First Fruits. Why is this significant? The Bible tells us Jesus is the First Fruits of those who rise from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:20). So there’s nothing accidental about God the Father choosing this particular day for Jesus’ Resurrection! The story tells of two disciples walking and talking about all that had happened in the last week. They had heard bits and pieces. Their hopes were dashed at the brutal crucifixion of Jesus and the tragic reality seemed to be that everything they had pinned their hopes and lives upon was gone and dead with Jesus’ death. As they talked Jesus Himself came up and walked with them, but they were kept from recognizing Him. Why was God so intentional for them to have this conversation without realizing who they were talking to? We will find out…. Pastor brings in some holy speculation about who one of the disciples, Cleopas, may have been. He shares that Cleopas may be none other that Jesus’ step uncle (His step father, Joseph’s, brother.) As Jesus joins them He asks what they are discussing. Incredulously they can’t believe He doesn’t know and they share what had happened in the previous days, ending with all they knew that had happened that morning with the women finding the empty tomb, Peter and John verifying the tomb really was empty, other women seeing and speaking with angels, Mary Magdalene encountering Jesus, Himself. And how they don’t even know what to think about it all. Then Jesus says, “ ‘How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?’ And then beginning with Moses, Jesus explained to them what was said in the Scriptures about Himself.” What an amazing conversation this had to have been! Here they are hearing Jesus share about Himself, all while having no idea that it’s actually Him with them! Pastor walks through Scriptures pointing out several possible sections of the Old Testament that Jesus may have shared that day with them as they walked. Whatever Jesus shared, it must have been a fascinating conversation because the Bible is a story that proclaims the goodness and faithfulness of God to an unfaithful creation. It is the story that reminds us that the Living God will keep His Word even though we human beings so often fail. It is a story that tells there is One to come who will redeem and deliver and rule forever. How many times were these two disciples stopped in their tracks as they listened to Jesus explain the scriptures to them that day. As they arrived at one of their houses, they invited Jesus to stay with them saying, “Please stay with us!” What a great request…. Have you asked Jesus that? “Please stay with me.” Have you invited Him by saying “I want to know You more and more!” Jesus answered their request by staying with them and He will answer your request the same way! When Jesus was at the table in their home, He took the bread, gave thanks, broke it and passed it out and as He did so, their eyes were opened and they recognized who He was, and then Jesus disappeared. Back to our question: Why was God so intentional for them to have this conversation without realizing who they were talking to? We were able to see how they had accepted what they had heard on that walk - before they even realized who they had been walking with! The Bible says in Romans 10:17, “Faith come from hearing and hearing comes through the Word of the God.” Their faith blossomed as they heard Jesus speak the Words of God in the Old Testament, shared through Moses and the other prophets. When we hear the Word (the Bible) today - it is still a Word that comes from the very lips of God and that Word: transforms, renews, gives hope, gives peace, brings power, and it changes everything! After Jesus disappeared from their sight, they asked each other, “were not our hearts burning within as He talked with us and opened the scripture to us!” This is still true today - the Holy Spirit opens our minds to see the truth of the Living God. This is not religion - this is real life This is not a matter ...