Turnaround Faith | Pastor Sam Velez | Iglesia Cristiana Misericordia #iglesiacristianamisericordia #PastorSamVelez #blessed #church #Laredo To support this ministry and help us continue to reach people all around the world click here: https://www.myicm.com/give If you've just made a decision for Christ, please send a text with the word “NEW” to (956)625-9844 We want to see the purpose of God in your life. We want to invite you joins us on our services which are located in Laredo, TX. We can't wait to meet you! —— Stay Connected Website: www.ICM.church Iglesia Cristiana Misericordia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICMLaredo Iglesia Cristiana Misericordia Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icm_laredo Turnaround Faith | Pastor Sam Velez | Iglesia Cristiana Misericordia