Hola Familia! Welcome back, thank you for your constant support and for joining us on our journey! We are excited to share another conversation on trauma and healing! We will be talking about the importance of working through your traumas to heal and continue finding self love along the way!
In this episode, Panchito and Joceline converse about trauma and the ways that they have navigated their own healing. In doing so, they share paths, resources, and mindsets that can be used as tools by all. Additionally, they elaborate on the definition and blessings that come from traumas, even those that are the most painful. They elaborate and encourage all to connect to others and creating safe spaces.
We challenge you to grow with us as we continue to use our voices to make change and learn FROM each other FOR each other! We look forward to having you join us on our self-development journey as we all continue to grow conjointly to become the best version of ourselves!
If you enjoyed this conversation, please feel free to comment, share, and tag us on social media.
With love,
Joceline & Panchito