We continue on with our top 10 moments of 2024! At #5 we go back to early-April, when Jeff shares how he went on his first movie date with his wife. Next, at #4, we go to mid-May, when the guys give their thoughts on the upcoming "The Office" spin-off series. At #3 we go to late September, when we welcomed back to the podcast Tommy Fitzgerald, and Jeff shared the story of how he nearly swallowed an Apple AirPods. At #2 we continue on with the episode with Tommy, when he discusses his time at the Renaissance Fair and nearly ruining Jack the Whipper's routine. Lastly, at #1, we go all the way back to our four-year anniversary podcast, when we welcomed back both Matt Bevenour and Tommy to the show. When the four guys answer Witmer's question of whether they'd rather travel to the past or future. Come along and hear our five best moments of 2024!