What missiology books belong on your bookshelf? In this week's episode of The Missions Podcast, Alex and Scott sit down with Chris Howles for the 2025 edition of essential reads in global missions. Chris offers a knowledgeable, diverse, and thought-provoking list of books that any serious missions-minded person should be reading. Top Missiology Books. 10. The Sending Church Applied by Bradley Bell, Mike Easton, Larry McCrary & Nathan Sloan (Upstream Collective, 2024) 9. People Vision - Reimagining Mission to Least Reached Peoples by Leonard Bartlotti (William Carey Publishing, 2024) 8. Africa Bears Witness: Mission Theology and Praxis in the 21st Century by Harvey Kwiyani (Langham Global Library, 2024) 7. Window on the World - An Operation World Prayer Guide by Jason Mandryk and Molly Wall (IVP, 2018) 6. People On The Move by Sam George (Lausanne Movement, 2024) 5. Knowing God To Make Him Known by Ed Scheuerman (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2021) 4. Why Eva