In our last two series, we were talking about tolerance and intolerant and what did that look like? We learned that being tolerant or being accused of be intolerant is a tactic used by Satan to make Christians feel like they need to fall in line with people that believe differently than Christians. This strategy by Satan is being used in today’s culture to make Christians to feel bad about themselves, question God’s will and thoughts about his thoughts on being tolerant of others. Yes, God wants us to be tolerant of other as he is tolerant of us but not to compromise your belief in him. You can hate the sin but love the sinner. Why? The sinner is still made in God’s image so we love them but we, like God, don’t have to have to love the sin. We actually as part of discipleship point out the sin to the sinner. The goal is to lead the sinner to the Lord and they become a believer. So, in this episode we are going to look at true tolerance. Don’t miss this episode.