Have you had challenges sticking to a diet or taking on the no-soda challenge? This episode may be the last straw to break the soda camel's back. This is Glory Joseph's first solo episode. In this episode she shares her no-soda experience over the last 25 months and addresses issues on soda/carbonated drinks such as the difference between soda and carbonated drinks, why you should consider abstinence from carbonated drinks, how you can wean off your soda cravings and a lot more. Podcast resources: Background music: One hour instrumental worship by Theophilus Sunday. For feedback/responses/sponsorship/; Connect with us on instagram: instagram.com/thehealthyalianpod_ Voice messages: https://anchor.fm/thegloryjoseph/message E-mail: Thegloryjoseph@gmail.com Subscribe to the blog/newsletter: Www.adiahaslounge.wordpress.com