
  • Tim's Take 33 | What Is Tar Spot & How Do We Treat It?

    Tim Reinbott is joined by Mandy Bish as they discuss a new corn crop issue, tar spot. Join them as they discuss how to identify it, when it's active, and when to spray for it. The second half they discuss soybean pathogens such as red crown rot and soybean cyst nematode and how to identify them. Join us for this interesting dive into the world of soybean pathogens.

    Each month, Tim Reinbott interviews a fellow researcher, a farmer, or an expert in the field for his podcast, Tim's Take. You can watch the videos, or you can enjoy the audio version where you get your other podcasts. Links below:

    Video Part One: https://youtu.be/GSWpj860stM

    Video Part Two: https://youtu.be/iuJPJvUQC80

    Transcript: 3-7-25 Tim's Take 33 - Mandy Bish.doc

    Podcast Website: https://tims-take.podbean.com

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    #mizzou #fungicide #farming #plantpathology

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    44 分
  • Tim's Take Podcast 32 | Herbicides - What is the Future?

    Tim's Take Episode 32 Part One Join Tim Reinbott as he asks Dr. Kevin Bradley the hard questions pertaining to the future of herbicides and the issues dealing with herbicide resistant weeds. Kevin gives his suggestions and insight from his research on how to deal with some of those resistant weeds. So, sit back and enjoy part one of a two part podcast interview.

    Video Part One: https://youtu.be/v4MLVqCOvRE

    Video Part Two: https://youtu.be/pwuKEVHrlFc

    Transcript: 2-7-25 Tim's Take Episode 32 Herbicides - What is the Future.doc

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    #mizzou #weeds #farming

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    51 分
  • Tim's Take Episode 31 | Derek Brake | Does Animal Physiology Impact Feed Requirements?

    Did you know that the feed requirements of a cow differ by the physical shape of the cow? There is a better way to determine the feed requirement of a cow other than by weight alone. Dr. Derek Brake joins Tim Reinbott in this month's podcast talking about the new, exciting, research project.

    Video Podcast Part One: https://youtu.be/y6qYmUbLEKc

    Video Podcast Part Two: https://youtu.be/aazD0-ifCsI

    Transcript: 1-3-25 Tim's Take Episode 31 - Derek Brake - Does Animal Physiology Impact Feed Requirements.doc

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    #mizzou #beef #farming

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    51 分
  • Tim's Take Episode 30 | Plastics In Our Soil!

    Join Tim as he visits with Dr. Salehi and her PhD student, Dibya Datta, and discusses the issues we are facing concerning the use of plastics. They are convenient and helpful to farmers in many ways... holding up to various weather conditions without rot, easy to use, and cheap, but are they costing us more than we realize?

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    Video Part One: https://youtu.be/RohNp3xAR4k

    Video Part Two: https://youtu.be/3BilH0y5n7k

    Transcript: 12-6-24 Tim's Take Episode 30 - Plastics In Our Soil.doc

    #mizzou #microplastics #farming

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    38 分
  • Tim's Take 29 | How Do I Feed Corn Silage to My Cattle?

    Dr. Eric Bailey is back with Tim Reinbott to talk about corn silage. He brings important information on silage details that producers are currently asking about. What kind of TDN does silage produce? Is it more economical than hay? What about keeping it covered? Have you ever wondered if there's a return on your investment with the efforts and costs of stockpiling forages? What about the variability of fall precipitation and forage production? Are we over-stocking cattle? Is there another way? Enjoy the discussion and ideas presented in this podcast. Learn the answer to these questions and more!

    Transcript: 11-1-24 Tim's Take 29 - How Do I Feed Silage to My Cows.doc

    Part One Video: https://youtu.be/tiwv0zmJuyA?feature=shared

    Part Two Video: https://youtu.be/O-Q1rtmyxm0

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    #mizzou #economics #farming

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    49 分
  • Tim's Take 28 | Benjamin Brown Agricultural Economics

    Dr. Ben Brown joins Tim Reinbott for this month's Tim's Take podcast to chat about the grain economic struggles and the future outlook of the markets.

    Transcript:10-4-24 Tim's Take Episode 28 - Benjamin Brown Ag Economics.doc

    Part One Video: https://youtu.be/0z_HZt0ZenQ

    Part Two Video: https://youtu.be/Zyg-V87zpas

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    #mizzou #economics #farming

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    49 分
  • Tim's Take Episode 27 | Mark Coggeshall

    Dr. Mark Coggeshall is here, sharing a glimpse into tree genetics and the vast variabilities among black walnut and white oak trees within the state of Missouri alone. Interesting facts also include how to pick a perfectly ripe walnut versus the overly ripe ones that we commonly pick from off the ground.

    Transcript: 8-3-24 Tim's Take Episode 27 - Mark Coggeshall.doc

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

    #mizzou #regenerativeag #soil

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

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    1 時間 2 分
  • Tim's Take Episode 26 | Dr. Temple Grandin Visual Thinking

    This month, Tim had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Temple Grandin. Join him as he gleans from her years of wisdom and experience.

    Here in Part One, she discusses animal handling and the scoring system created to improve those methods, as well as the understanding of an animal's emotional makeup which helps to explain behavior, particularly in cattle.

    In Part Two, Dr. Grandin shares about her new book, Visual Thinking, briefly describing the different types of thinking, their strengths, and how visual thinking is so crucial yet often overlooked or dismissed. So, sit back and enjoy this two-part series.

    Part One Video: https://youtu.be/1Sz9it9AxHM

    Part Two Video: https://youtu.be/RPp2VVGWDIo

    Transcripts: 7-26-24 Tim's Take Episode 26 - Dr. Temple Grandin Visual Thinking.doc

    #visualthinking #autism #templegrandin #autismawareness #animalwelfare #neurodiversity #LivestockHandling #animalscience #inspiringwomen

    Every month, Tim Reinbott produces a podcast called Tim's Take. He invites a researcher, MU Extension Specialist, or an expert in the agricultural world to sit down with him and discuss hot topics.

    The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.

    Visit https://moaes.missouri.edu/ to learn more.

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    49 分