Dr. Eric Bailey is back with Tim Reinbott to talk about corn silage. He brings important information on silage details that producers are currently asking about. What kind of TDN does silage produce? Is it more economical than hay? What about keeping it covered? Have you ever wondered if there's a return on your investment with the efforts and costs of stockpiling forages? What about the variability of fall precipitation and forage production? Are we over-stocking cattle? Is there another way? Enjoy the discussion and ideas presented in this podcast. Learn the answer to these questions and more!
Transcript: 11-1-24 Tim's Take 29 - How Do I Feed Silage to My Cows.doc
Part One Video: https://youtu.be/tiwv0zmJuyA?feature=shared
Part Two Video: https://youtu.be/O-Q1rtmyxm0
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The Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES) extends CAFNR research to nearly 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers. MOAES has a storied history of major impacts in advancing science in agriculture, food and natural resources — locally, nationally and globally. These CAFNR laboratories provide research faculty with a wide variety of real-world conditions to test and develop strategies for agricultural production based on the geographical and climatic differences of our diverse state.