In this episode, we explore the profound power we have to create our reality. It all begins with awareness—tuning in to what’s happening around us, from our immediate environment to larger influences like astrological energy. When we are aware of this, we have the means to be more calm and grounded and respond intentionally rather than reacting through a stress response. By cultivating this awareness and remembering we are powerful co-creators of our reality, we can align our inner world with the life we truly desire.
To explore options or book a session with either of us:
Teri Wells: https://www.righthemispherehealing.com/ or email at Teri@righthemispherehealing.com
Stacey De Witt: https://www.staceydewittcoaching.com or stacey@staceydewittcoaching.com
We look forward to connecting with you :)