
  • What is "Loaves and Fishes"? - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 23

    This month, hosts Jason and Terry are joined by current cafe employees and Loaves and Fishes members David McComas-Bussa and Terri Drahn to discuss how they came to be part of the Catholic Worker Movement, CWA founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin, what Loaves and Fishes does in Duluth, Stepping On Up Duluth, and more!

    For more about Loaves and Fishes, please visit https://www.loavesandfishesduluth.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/loavesandfishesduluth/

    The Wussow's Podcast, based in Duluth, MN, digs into the venue's rich culture of musicians, artists, and a community of unique personalities. Intriguing folks. all connected to the café. New Episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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  • The Wussow's Podcast Episode 22

    This month, hosts Jason and Terry are joined by musician Ian Alexy, discussing analog music equipment, attending Berklee College of Music, moving from the East Coast to Duluth, teaching, and more!

    For more from Ian:

    Ian Alexy wherever you listen to music


    For Guitar lessons, visit facebook.com/DriftlessGuitarLessons

    The Wussow's Podcast, based in Duluth, MN, digs into the venue's rich culture of musicians, artists, and a community of unique personalities. Intriguing folks. all connected to the café. New Episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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  • Dream Cloud Coffee - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 21

    This month, hosts Jason and Terry are joined by Charlie and Emily Comnick, the owners of Dream Cloud Coffee Roasters and cafe to discuss sourcing coffee beans, the roasting process, dino nuggets, and more!

    Visit Dream Cloud at 543 Scenic Drive. Two Harbors, MN.

    The Wussow's Podcast, based in Duluth, MN, digs into the venue's rich culture of musicians, artists, and a community of unique personalities. Intriguing folks. all connected to the café. New Episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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  • Alistair Quade and Rich Narum - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 20

    This month, hosts Jason and Terry are joined by Alistair Quade of Pinnacle Pointe Studios and audio engineer of One Week Live, and Rich Narum, local artist, art supporter, and videographer of One Week Live!

    One Week Live Volume 22 starts October 7th, tickets are available at https://wussowsconcertcafe.simpletix.com/

    The Wussow's Podcast, based in Duluth, MN, digs into the venue's rich culture of musicians, artists, and a community of unique personalities. Intriguing folks. all connected to the café. New Episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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  • Adventurer and Meteorologist Ron Williams - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 19

    This month on The Wussow's Podcast, hosts Jason and Terry sit down with Ron Williams to discuss flying airplanes as a kid, cross-continental bike races, living in Alaska, and finding a career in meteorology.

    The Wussow's Podcast, based in Duluth, MN, digs into the venue's rich culture of musicians, artists, and a community of unique personalities. Intriguing folks. all connected to the café. New Episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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  • Johnny Reznick - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 18

    New Episodes the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

    This month, hosts Jason and Terry sit down with Johnny Reznick, owner of the Rambler food truck since 2012, MidCoast Catering since 2017, and coming soon the Tasting Room! They discuss how he started working in kitchens, how the Rambler started, the importance of a safe and healthy work environment, and learning how to be a boss.

    For more from either the Rambler or MidCoast catering, visit @theramblermn and midcoastcatering.com!

    The Wussow's Podcast, based in Duluth, MN, digs into the venue's rich culture of musicians, artists, and a community of unique personalities. Intriguing folks. all connected to the café. New Episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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  • Jann and Roger, Jason's Parents! - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 17

    New Episodes the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

    On this month's episode, Jason celebrates 25 years of Wussow's Concert Cafe by speaking t0 the people who made it all happen, his parents! Roger and Jann sit down to discuss skydiving, the early days of the cafe, expensive furniture, moving from rural Minnesota to Minneapolis, and more!

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  • Zenith Bookstore - The Wussow's Podcast Episode 16

    This month we're joined by Bob Dobrow and Sarah Brown, owner and store manager respectively of Zenith Bookstore! Stop by on June 20th for the inaugural Summer Block Party, featuring performances from Gaelynn Lea and other local musicians, Rambler food truck, tarot readings, face paintings from Peach Tattoo, and much more!

    Today, we discuss being a transplant in Duluth, how Bob found West Duluth, running a small business through the pandemic, and more!

    New episodes on the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH!

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