On today’s episode we are delving into the Wim Hof Method. Specifically we are going to start with his technique for breathing. You might think, this is a softball way to start a self-help journey. But let me tell you, it’s not something you should write off. We'll get into the miraculous science of breathing and the specific steps of the Wim-Hof Method for you to try out.
Show Notes:
- Wim Hof Method: Breathing site: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/breathing-exercises
- Guided Wim Hof Breathing Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tybOi4hjZFQ
- Sound Effects: Provided via Creative Commons Licenese at Freesound.org
- Music: PARTY CATCHY POP GUITAR - FineTune Music (Asset Id = #513078295; Adobe Stock License ID available if requested)