
  • 2025-03-05 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy "louie louie" eddie and the subtitles "american society" eddie and the subtitles (original version) "are you ready?" marshall allen "tastebud" black moth super rainbow "clearly aware" guided by voices "backseat driver" tar babies "maris stella - plectere VII" stefano pilia "underminer of conventional truth" a bad day "dumb idea" (live at the hattiesburg community arts center on april 22, 2023) judy and the jerks "doowutchawanadoo" red mass "theme tune 4" position normal "no virgins in hollywood" eddie and the subtitles hour two: "everything" middle class "palatina raphe" elka bong "crystal machine" samuel locke-ward "funnelcake dismal metallic blues" [1990] bomis prendin "a skeleton at the feast" middle class "ritual and deceit" middle class "in beauty and in drink" tyrone rotunno "witch sector" moreine "bionic desert" rick weaver and mike host "bystander blues" thresher "from a distance" marucoporoporo "mosque" middle class hour thee: "doll hut" pontiac brothers "blame" snore "herd on a soap box" godammit tommy! "flight" aerocobra "sync'n up" rhythm plague "rock music" pontiac brothers "straight and narrow" pontiac brothers "hollering hoodoo ghosts conduction #1" burnt sugar the arkestra chamber "sistersss" ray shinn "trust lost" vertonen "if you gotta go, go now" pontiac brothers
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    3 時間
  • 2025-03-03 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "my favorite things" (live at kobe kokusai hall in kobe japan july 17, 1966) john coltrane w/jimmy garrison on bass "no one" minutemen "insurance from god" 45 grave "wet spot dare" black moth super rainbow "thumb door crashed" agnes steck "driving time" guided by voices "pastoral" matt nelso "I was born on the wrong planet" [1979] bomis prendin "strange brother" tyrone rotunno "snorkel" (live at the hattiesburg community arts center on april 22, 2023) judy and the jerks "happy face" cold cock trio "upward mobility" gb hour two: "I'm the one" (live) black flag 'iceless, faceless" al margolis "the fall of saigon" (live at roulette 2019) collapsible shoulder big band "we feel the sky" dc3 "de mockery" gb "down by the drain" midwestern medicine "a brief history of clocks as an analogy for bodily functions" disorganism at the mvm "true wit" mike eckstein "my mind capsized" (live in detroit 1965) the holy modal rounders "drinking and driving" (live) black flag hour three: "kill your dog" chuckleheads "brother brick says" claw hammer "work our lives away" godammit tommy! "sidereus - plectere IV" stefano pilia "sweat machine" lum and the insterstellar fornicators "reverence" crimony "taking away the fire" dos "non sono di qui" a bad day "luminol waves" rick weaver and mike host "pierrot" alex zhang hungtai "everything I have in my hand" ray shinn "st. pete" crimony
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    3 時間
  • 2025-03-01 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "my favorite things" (live excerpt from the comblain-la-tour jazz festiva on august 1, 1965) john coltrane "stabby eyes" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets "blood and broken glass" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets "overrated species anyhow / sparrow sparrow" deerhoof "everybody's a star" guided by voices "new dawn" marshall allen featuring neneh cherry "airsoft" (live at the hattiesburg community arts center on april 22, 2023) judy and the jerks "fools gold (mi vida ha ido pa atras)" pyramids "unspeakable" barry stock "protective edge" unsee "punish or be damned" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets hour two: "afterglow" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets "van butterfly" thresher "dial f for func" aerocobra "death of a star" tar babies "size remains an issue" eugene chadbourne "thats the way of the world" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets "transcend" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets "it's a wonder I can even tell the truth" [1996] bomis prendin "my car" aitis band "gone" n8noface "fake scenarios" ray shinn "red sun" (live at kitten robot studios on jan 29, 2025) astral jets hour three: "in a second" backbiter "false hope through history" disorganism at the mvm "sad case no. 32" (live on kxlu 1996) backbiter "baby, you know where I live" d.c. 3 "2_0_toques 03" (excerpt) hubbard-liebig "I hope tomorrow's a better day" d.c. 3
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  • 2025-02-28 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "liberia" (live excerpt 1960) john coltrane "nuevo ola" matt mottel & aquiles navarro "still rock n roll to me" colin l & talibam! billy joel cover band "hate wrapped in prayer (we say…)" clang quartet "still" n8noface "angels and demons at play" marshall allen "swarm of devils" tar babies "long eddy river riddim 2020 style" matt mottel hour two: "return clearness all-determining to the quagmire of womb birth" sanifarian equipage "a ton for sara mann" eugene chadbourne "cost-effective drilling enabled by pioneering technologies and warmer climates in the southern ocean" talibam! "ezekial killed the whale" steve dalachinsky & matt mottel "3_0_toques 03" hubbard-liebig "this is where we walk" afternoon freak hour three: "lots of coconut butter" matt mottel & cooper moore "someone else's bare minimum" position normal "nowhere town" godammit tommy! "the depths" the illness "fractured joy" platinumvision "matcha moment" alien owl cafe "baseball" torpedo "singing tractors" matt mottel / ernie brooks / steve shelley
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    3 時間
  • 2025-02-24 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "blue train" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy "candy apple morning" nikki o'neill "a space to dream" nikki o'neill "conceive the sea" marucoporoporo "shapeshifters" the love pretender "oh no" tekamolo "aluminum stingray girl" guided by voices "lacinia off axis" stefano pilia "I like shoes" [1999] bomis prendin "cap'n fruity" cold cock trio "let me have it (waltz1)" almighty opp "drive" nikki o'neill hour two: "love will lead you home" nikki o'neill "oropharnyx" elka bong "in peril" mike eckstein "the secrets of taxidermy reveal themselves over time" xuarix xubatix "take back what I said" nikki o'neill "a place at the table" nikki o'neill "bedtime story" snore "wormhole" the giant worm "livla" lum and the insterstellar fornicators "extinguishment" barry stock "the light on - sound meditation 1" (excerpt) david first "that's how you lose her" nikki o'neill hour three: "all I wanna be is yours" nikki o'neill "a phoenix across the sea" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band "flop eared mule" (live in detroit 1965) the holy modal rounders "back pain" burnt sugar the arkestra chamber "6_2_toques 01" (excerpt) hubbard-liebig "a man for all seasons" nikki o'neill "world is waiting" nikki o'neill "romeo is dying" tim holehouse "il mitico sette" sulla lingua "the plague" muskeg mudsuck "slow conductor" the illness "you're the only one who gets me" nikki o'neill
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    3 時間
  • 2025-02-23 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "impressions" (live excerpt from newport, ri on july 1 1961) john coltrane "anytime soon" peter holsapple "the face of 68" peter holsapple "slumber party theme" [1991] bomis prendin "elfin flower with knees" guided by voices "ere" stefano pilia "are glued" position normal "hymn" cluster lizard "jackals" flying vipers "mock the hours" david nance "better to be blind" almighty opp "terminus" cold cock trio "larger than life" peter holsapple hour two: "my idea #49" peter holsapple "boma" marshall allen "ageratum mush vitrine" 16 bard "high high horse" peter holsapple "that kind of guy" peter holsapple "credit line" midwestern medicine "bread and circuses" ray shinn "socio xero" the island "the look of resentment" matt nelson "see about you" peter holsapple hour three: "one for the book" peter holsapple "prelude to an ongoing conversation" al margolis "deflecting" minotaur shock "so sad about sam" peter holsapple "fireflies" peter holsapple "here comes the world" godammit tommy! "denouement" barry stock "the giant worm inc" the giant worm "billy of hillsborough changes" (excerpt) eugene chadbourne "she and me" peter holsapple
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  • 2025-02-21 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "blue trane" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy "ode to the yellow river for concert band" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band "romance (for choir)" c4 choral composer / conductor collective "free steppe" cluster lizard "intellectual property (aka- song for robert pollard to sing)" ransom salmon "the great man" guided by voices "sustain and ring 4" roscoe mitchell quartet play last week of the mont h- "kijimi city" thousand dollar movie "walk you, walk me" matt nelson "odios" tar babies "saxophone concerto 'colors of the sky' movement I for parker schultz" david huang mailman hour two: "romance (for orchestra)" vanderbilt university orchestra "arrow" martina berther "nova pt II" stefano pilia "tessellation 2pi" muskeg mudsuck "flowers from nashville" [sam d'amico (movements 1 and 3) and lizzie sylves (movement 2), bassoons] david huang mailman "dazhai" florida state university wind orchestra "niente, amore" sulla lingua "as I went out walking one morning for exercise" the hinterlanders "from seed to bud for voice and piano" (text by caroline couch) syd braunstein and emma chang hour three: "things that never were" (live jan 11, 2025) the close quarters saxophone quartet "african sunset" marshall allen "postal overture" (live oct 18, 2022) the hershey high school wind symphony "autumn harvest dance" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band "fear creates silence" (excerpt) al margolis "taipei parks and recreation" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band
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  • 2025-02-19 The Watt from Pedro Show
    hour one: "impressions" (live excerpt from olympia theatre, paris, france, nov. 18, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy "hell called earth" jesse daniel edwards "the fox" jesse daniel edwards "swanfanpadayo" eliot eidelman "a feast of fire ants" bomis prendin "drudge" snore "play shadows" guided by voices "ghost of haxby" the illness "chancellor" the island "passo de danca" frise lumiere "10,000 webs" down chamber "nova pt I" stefano pilia "only the whales" jesse daniel edwards hour two: "wolf in a wool coat" jesse daniel edwards "dirty dumplings done dirt cheap" position normal "arm of the wood" minibeast "hollering hoodoo ghosts conduction #2" burnt sugar the arkestra chamber "drop the funk and not the bombs" lum and the insterstellar fornicators "occasionally joy" jesse daniel edwards "wrong about god" jesse daniel edwards "space underwater" rick weaver and mike host "knots" peaks "the light on - sound meditation 1" (excerpt) david first "test bed" ray shinn "taking it too far" jesse daniel edwards hour thee: "not my god" jesse daniel edwards "3_0_toques 03" hubbard-liebig "easiest thing to break" jesse daniel edwards "jesus and other drugs" jesse daniel edwards "playing the squircube pod" (part 2 of 2) the fourth sunday players "cosmic spy from turkistan" (live) stick against stone "never really there" jesse daniel edwards
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    3 時間