hour one: "blue trane" (live excerpt from kulttuuritalo helsinki, finland nov. 22, 1961) john coltrane w/eric dolphy "ode to the yellow river for concert band" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band "romance (for choir)" c4 choral composer / conductor collective "free steppe" cluster lizard "intellectual property (aka- song for robert pollard to sing)" ransom salmon "the great man" guided by voices "sustain and ring 4" roscoe mitchell quartet play last week of the mont h- "kijimi city" thousand dollar movie "walk you, walk me" matt nelson "odios" tar babies "saxophone concerto 'colors of the sky' movement I for parker schultz" david huang mailman hour two: "romance (for orchestra)" vanderbilt university orchestra "arrow" martina berther "nova pt II" stefano pilia "tessellation 2pi" muskeg mudsuck "flowers from nashville" [sam d'amico (movements 1 and 3) and lizzie sylves (movement 2), bassoons] david huang mailman "dazhai" florida state university wind orchestra "niente, amore" sulla lingua "as I went out walking one morning for exercise" the hinterlanders "from seed to bud for voice and piano" (text by caroline couch) syd braunstein and emma chang hour three: "things that never were" (live jan 11, 2025) the close quarters saxophone quartet "african sunset" marshall allen "postal overture" (live oct 18, 2022) the hershey high school wind symphony "autumn harvest dance" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band "fear creates silence" (excerpt) al margolis "taipei parks and recreation" (live on apr 25, 2024) vanderbilt university concert band