
  • S4-E28 - The Pirate Husband-and-Wife Duo Who Terrorized Taiwan (1800-1809)

    She loved opium, handsome pirates, and spoke English... plus she allegedly sometimes went into battle topless! He was a pirate warlord who, at one point, had hundreds of ships and tens of thousands of men under his control.

    Meet the Tsais (Cais): a crazy couple who deservedly became absolute legends.

    This story's English information comes mostly from Maritime Taiwan: Historical Encounters with the East and the West (East Gate Books) by Prof. Henry Tsai.

    Visit formosafiles.com for more links and info.

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    21 分
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH28-重獲自由的反共義士—韓戰與一二三自由日

    國府在1949年播遷來臺的當下,美國發表聲明不再介入國共內戰,中華民國幾乎真的可說是風中殘燭。然而1950年的韓戰隨即改變了這一切,也改變了許多在韓戰中被俘的中共「志願軍」軍人的命運。究竟中華民國與韓戰還有什麼關係,又為什麼會有「一二三自由日」呢?這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊一二三自由日的故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    11 分
  • S4-E27 - 1946

    Taiwan in 1946. How will post-war Formosa turn out? Will the KMT be successful in managing the local economy? Will there be strife between the new Chinese rulers and – until very recently – Japanized Taiwanese people? Who knows? Well, we do... now.

    The Formosa Files team is pleased to bring you a rare gem: clips of a radio program by NBC, recorded in late 1946, just a little more than a year after the end of World War II.

    John and Eryk will play segments of this radio docu-drama and then comment on the facts, add info, explain context, and more. Enjoy this experience, which really feels like a kind of time travel!

    Info and links at formosafiles.com

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    29 分
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH27-橫行海上的女海盜—大海盜蔡牽媽與蔡牽

    中國東南沿海、臺灣海峽一帶自從明朝實施海禁政策以來,就成為了海盜橫行的海域,一直到清朝年間都還有海盜出沒,甚至還有許多名震四海的女性海盜。在1790年代,就誕生了一對海盜夫妻:蔡牽與蔡牽媽,堪稱是當時最強盛也最特別的海盜。這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊,大海盜蔡牽媽與蔡牽的故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    14 分
  • S4-E26 - Bits and Pieces - October 2024

    Did you know?

    1. Joseph Stalin saved Chinese characters. (um… sort of)

    2. In Qing-era Taiwan, two men sometimes SHARED a wife!

    3. John has done 10 episodes of our other podcast, “Bookish Asia.”

    4. Plum Rain Press, the new publishing arm of Formosa Files, is about to release an epic historical novel by Dr. Chen Yao-chang 陳耀昌, the man behind the Netflix series Seqalu.

    This week John and Eryk wander around a bit, give you some info, tell a few cool stories, and have a laugh or two in one of Formosa Files’ every-now-and-then “Bits and Pieces” episodes.

    A BIG THANK YOU to all who have left a 5-star review, subscribed, and followed us on social media!

    Pics, info, links, and more on our website.

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    26 分
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH26-聖母峰上的生存奇蹟—臺灣登山家高銘和

    攀登世界第一高峰聖母峰(珠穆朗瑪峰、Mount Everest)是全世界登山家的夢想。臺灣自1990年代起,也開始陸續有登山家成功登上這座高峰。然而1996年在聖母峰發生了一場悲劇性的山難,當時台灣隊的高銘和也被捲入其中,卻奇蹟似的存活下來。這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊這位臺灣登山家的故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    12 分
  • S4-E25 - The ROC (Taiwan) at World Expos & World Fairs

    In the first few decades after retreating from the mainland, the Republic of China on Taiwan needed to shine as brightly as possible in foreign spotlights to keep alive the idea (or some might say fantasy) that the government on Taiwan really did represent all of China, the most populous nation on earth. And so, for today’s episode, we turn to one of Taiwan’s biggest promotional efforts abroad; its largely forgotten appearance at the 1964 World’s Fair in New York City.

    Visit our website for pics, links, and more.

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    28 分
  • FORMOSA FILES IN CHINESE! CH25-賭性堅強的臺灣人—彩券、賭博在臺灣的故事

    自從國民政府遷臺後,政府急需資金填補預算的黑洞;此外,臺灣自1970、1980年代經濟起飛後,人民財富迅速累積,一些人就開始追求「一擲千金」的刺激感,或是追尋一夜致富的手段。再加上或許臺灣人有種「賭性堅強」的性格,造就了臺灣歷史長久的賭博文化。這集 Formosa Files 中文版 Podcast 就由兩位主持人來跟大家聊聊,彩券與賭博在臺灣的故事。


    Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。

    Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。

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    12 分