Welcome our Guest and New Tribe member Lonnie Woods III is an LA based queer thought leader, educator, author and art director. He brings a unique perspective on self care and personal style and their impact on queer identity which is explored in his debut poetry book, Fewer Versions of Myself, and through his podcast What I Did Wrong, where he delves into the complexities of the human experience to reframe mistakes into meaningful life lessons that help us grow.
Instagram at @lonniewoodsthethird https://www.instagram.com/lonniewoodsthethird/ and his podcast, What I Did Wrong, at @whatididwrongpodcast https://www.instagram.com/whatididwrongpodcast/.
WUBI Radio and Roku TV
Luna Vitality
Website: LunaVitality.org
Instagram: Luna_Vitality
Divine Nubian Essentials LLC
Web: www.DivineNubianEssentials.com
IG: Divine Nubian Essentials
Collins Education Resource Management L.L.C
Website: www.CollinsERM.com
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