When you've outgrown your high school friends or moved across the country post-grad, finding new friends can seem like an impossible feat. How do you meet people during COVID? How do you get to know someone on a deeper level? What if we don't click at first?
In today's episode, I'm inviting you into my struggle of making friends post-grad in a new city. Over the past 4 months I have cycled through every emotion. What began as an excuse, "I don't have time for new friends", turned into a plead "I need to meet someone, anyone."
Tune in to learn:
- What does the bible define as community
- Why you need friends in close proximity to you -- not just virtual
- What are the most important things when it comes to building a friendship
- Practical ways to make friends post-grad
Read my The Catholic Woman Letter: https://thecatholicwoman.co/letterstowomen/finding-friends-wherever-god-has-you?rq=caroline%20owens
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