On this month's episode of Conservation Starters we are joined by Xerces Society's Senior Endangered Species Conservation Biologist and Freshwater Mussel Lead, Emilie Blevins and Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife's Native Freshwater Fish and Freshwater Shellfish Specialist, Marie Winkowski to discuss the secret strength of freshwater mussels. Together, we discuss our local freshwater mussel's life cycle and habitat. We also explore the ecological and cultural significance and discuss how we are working collaboratively to build resilience for these at-risk species
- Xerces Society - About Freshwater Mussels
- WDFW - Western pearlshell mussel
- WDFW - Western ridged mussel
- WDFW - Zebra mussel
- Share your Freshwater Mussels sighting here
- Conserving the Gems of Our Waters (Book)
- Absurd Creature of the Week: This Mussel Does an Incredible Impression of a Fish (Article and Video by Wired)