Ricky Dickson, author and former CEO, is back for a dare; I say it? A second scoop, but in this case, we are talking about his experience with being a grandson and the profound impact of grandparents on personal development and family dynamics. Ricky shares his experiences growing up with both sets of grandparents nearby, highlighting their roles as mentors, supporters, and sources of wisdom. We discuss the love and influence his grandparents provided him from when he was born until they left this life. The conversation delves into memorable family traditions, the influence of faith, and the importance of nurturing relationships as one transition into adolescence. Ricky emphasizes the significance of unconditional love and the lasting memories created through shared experiences, offering valuable advice for new grandparents on fostering meaningful connections with their grandchildren. After listening to this conversation, please share it with family and friends, who will enjoy hearing about the wonderful memories Ricky shared with us. Links This link will take you to my first conversation with Ricky, where we discussed his book, One Scoop At A Time. Use this link to visit Ricky's website: You can check out One Scoop At A Time using this link: You can order Ricky's book from either of the links above, and you can also use this direct link to Amazon to order the book: If you would like to connect and follow Ricky on LinkedIn, you can use this link: You can watch this conversation on YouTube using this link: https://youtu.be/aEdV4zaCj08