
  • Is "Optimal Body Position" Limiting Your Progress?
    Perhaps no term gets thrown around more when talking about riding your bike than “body position”. It is recognized as being an essential part of your riding skills and performance, but what does the term really mean? For something so important there is a lot of confusion surrounding it. Do you want to be in a low “attack position” or in more of an upright “throne position”? Do you want your weight on your feet with little to no weight on your hands or do you want to have weight and pressure through your hands? It seems like the answers to these questions depend on who you talk to and what system they preach. There is a whole industry around this question, with qualified skills instructors from various backgrounds each trying to convince you that their version of body position is the best. Well, what if I told you that the whole concept is kind of nonsense. I mean, obviously how you stand and hold yourself on the bike is important but the idea that there is an ideal body position when riding your mountain bike is incomplete at best. The reason that I don’t like this term or the discussions around it is because it leads riders to believe that there is an ideal body position that they need to try and get into and maintain while riding. But this idea may work when doing drills in a parking lot, it isn’t how riding your bike works in the real world. On the trail you are participating in a dynamic relationship between your body, the bike and the trail and these three things are rarely static. Conditions change all of the time and this means that your ideal body position is constantly shifting as well. In fact, the worst thing you can do for your performance and safety on the trail is try and maintain an “ideal” body position. Instead, you want to change your body position to match the needs of the trail. For example, let’s say that you are riding a section of trail that starts with a relatively flat section before feeding you into a technical rock garden that proceeds a short climb. What is the ideal body position for something like this? You guessed it, there isn’t one and you have to shift your body position to meet the needs of the moment. When you are on the flat section you can get into a traditional position where you are keeping more weight on your feet than your hands and you are maintaining your position as you pedal. When you get to the rock garden you will need to preemptively shift your weight forward in anticipation of needing to perform a rear weight shift to unweighted or even lift your front wheel to help get over the first trail obstacle. As you proceed through the rock garden you will need to dynamically shift your weight forward and backward to weight and unweight your front end to help you flow through the rocks and trail obstacles. Your body position will be very fluid and dynamic as you use your weight shifts to help navigate your bike through the technical trail section. When you get through it and hit the climb you will want to stand up and shift your weight forward, putting weight on your hands and applying aggressive pressure through the rear wheel as needed for traction. If there are any obstacles on the climb you will also need to shift your weight back to float the front wheel over them before getting back into your aggressive climbing position. So in this scenario you have gone from a “light hands, heavy feet” position to a dynamic position with a lot of front to back weight shifts and finally an aggressive standing position with your weight slightly forward on your hands. So what is the right body position? The right body position changes depending on the demands of the moment. It isn’t based on someone’s theory of what the optimal position is and is certainly isn’t a static thing, However, I see riders all the time who would try to ride through this same scenario trying to use and maintain a single body position (usually seated). This is usually due to someone telling them that it was the optimal position and that they need to stay in it as much as possible. With that said, though, there are a few commonalities to the different good body positions you need to use on the bike. One of them is having a strong spine where you avoid leaning over at the low back and instead rely on your hips for leaning forward and shifting your weight back. The other thing is to have your elbows in a strong position somewhere between being pinned to your ribs and being pushed out into an extreme “scarecrow” position. Like body position, the specific position your elbows should be in will change but being at the extremes is almost never the best place to be no matter what the “elbows out” crowd will lead you to believe. Lastly, your feet should be in a mid-foot position so you are balanced at your feet and aren’t fighting the forward lean created by being on the balls of your feet. The mid-foot position allows you to more easily shift your weight forward ...
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    24 分
  • Using A Straw To Build Better Cardio?

    If you have followed my newsletter for any length of time then you know that I am a huge advocate for better breathing habits. Breathing is the one lever that you can pull that will improve just about everything you do on the bike, including cardio, strength and even your skills.

    As important as it is, though, few riders really focus on it as part of their training program. The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot of time and you don’t need fancy equipment.

    In fact, a great way to train your breathing is to use a straw. Yes, the same thing you use to drink your favorite beverage when you’re out at a restaurant is also a great training tool for your breathing.

    Just get a straw, have a seat and start to breathe through it. Just 5 minutes of this a few times a week will make an impact on several aspects of your breathing that will help you on the trail.

    Breathwork training is an important part of MTB cardio training, especially as we get older. The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot of time or equipment - 5 minutes of breathing through a straw a few times a week can be enough to make an impact on it.

    And if you want to learn even more about breathwork training for MTB, be sure to check out my Guide To Better Breathing For MTB. In it you’ll find how to assess your breathing and several drills and strategies to help you optimize your breathing for better health and performance.

    Until next time…

    Ride Strong,

    James Wilson

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    12 分
  • How To Deal With Knee Pain.

    As you get older dealing with pain becomes more and more of a reality. Old injuries flare up, wear and tear add up and it all leads to more and more pain. Pain leads to time off or even surgeries and surgeries definitely lead to time off. Time off leads to loss of fitness and motivation which can lead to quitting.

    So one of the best strategies for riding for a lifetime is to do everything you can to address pain early and to prevent it from getting worse. Prevention is the best plan of all because pain that you never had doesn’t need to be addressed at all.

    In an effort to help more riders achieve the goal of Riding For A Lifetime I wanted to start sharing some tips on addressing pain for some of the most common problem areas faced by riders as we get older. In this post I wanted to start with one that almost every rider faces at some point, which is knee pain.

    The knees take a beating on the trail. Everything we do on the trail involves the knees, from standing to seated efforts, from uphills to downhills and from techy trails to smooth flow trails, the knees are working hard to help us perform at our best.

    The knees are an amazing structure that need to be both stable and mobile. Lacking in either of these things can lead to stress being placed on the wrong areas, which lead to pain and loss of performance.

    On top of that, you need your feet to be supported properly so that your legs can move in the most functional way possible. Poor foot support is a major cause of knee pain both on and off the bike and an area that a lot of riders are confused about.

    So let’s break down what each of these things means for us on the bike and how we can support our goals of having strong, stable knees that can take a pounding and come back for more.

    Until next time...

    Ride Strong,

    James Wilson

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    37 分
  • Better Breathing = Better Skills

    While most people come into mountain biking worried about their fitness and cardio, it doesn’t take long to realize that your technical skills play a big role in your performance. Better skills mean you can ride faster and waste less energy, as well as helping keep you safe.

    Over the last several years skills training has become extremely popular, with countless videos showing you how to improve your skills and a lot of skills camps popping up. In fact, if you’re reading this then I’d bet money that at some point you have done something to help improve your technical skills.

    And while videos and camps can help a lot, there is one thing that most riders don’t think about that can make or break your ability to actually apply those skills to the trail - your breathing.

    Better breathing can impact your performance and health in a lot of ways. While some of them are obvious, once you understand all of the ways how you breath impacts the body you realize that optimizing your breathing isn’t optional if you want to get the most out of yourself on the trail.

    This is especially true if you are in the 40+ crowd. Breathing mechanics and smart use of specific breathing patterns isn’t something that declines with age and it allows you to maximize what you still have. While younger riders can use the physical advantages of youth to get away with a lot of bad habits we can’t do that and still perform at a high level on the trail.

    So stop letting your breathing hold back your skills on the trail and start to incorporate these tips into your training and riding. And if you want even more info on optimizing your breathing check out my Guide To Better Breathing For MTB, where I show you how to assess your breathing and share even more ways to optimize your performance and health.

    Until next time…

    Ride Strong,

    James Wilson

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    28 分
  • Top 5 Tips To Help You Ride For A Lifetime
    When I started MTB Strength Training Systems in 2005 I did it so I could share how functional strength training could help my fellow riders enjoy riding more. I was 30 at the time and my focus was on helping riders maximize their performance, which led to my involvement with several pro riders and teams. 10 years later I turned 40 and found my priorities changing. Now I was interested in longevity as well as performance and I was finding that my old training methods weren't having the same effect. Now I'm quickly approaching 50 (holy shit, how did that happen?) and I've found that a lot of riders are also wanting to learn more about Riding For A Lifetime. I've been sharing a lot of my new training methods and programs over the last few years and they are always among my most popular posts. I've shared a lot of great info on this subject over the last several years and I understand that it can be hard to keep track of all of it. So I wanted to put together my Top 5 Tips To Ride For A Lifetime. This is just a quick summary of these concepts so be sure to check out the links at the bottom of this post to find more detailed posts. You can also find a video and audio summary of these concepts below. Strength Training Is Essential As we age, the physical decline of strength, power, and muscle mass becomes inevitable, affecting our overall physical capacity. This decline starts to accelerate after the age of 40, making strength training a non-negotiable part of any fitness regimen. Strength training has been proven to slow or even reverse these declines, enabling you to maintain a high capacity both on and off the bike. To combat this, aim to incorporate strength training 2-4 times a week. This will not only enhance your biking performance but also set a strong foundation for Riding For A Lifetime. Building and Maintaining Muscle Mass One of the significant changes in strength training for the 40+ MTB rider is the increased need for muscle mass maintenance to combat sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass. Muscle mass acts as the engine for both strength and power and is closely linked to overall health and longevity. Including bodybuilding elements in your workout plan—such as 3 sets of 10-15 reps and isolation work for the arms—can help maintain or even increase muscle mass. The more muscle mass you have, the longer it will take to decrease to a level that impacts your physical capabilities. Isometrics for Safe and Effective Strength Building Isometric exercises, which involve creating tension without movement, are excellent for building strength safely, especially for those dealing with past injuries. These exercises are also beneficial for high blood pressure, comparable to the effects of medication in some studies. By incorporating isometric exercises such as Push-Up Holds and Lunge Holds for 30-90 seconds into your strength training program, you can build the stability needed for effective movement while minimizing injury risks. Anti-Glycolytic Training (AGT) for Cardio Traditional interval training is effective but it tends to be most effective for 6-8 weeks, after which it stops delivering the same results. Plus, it can be hard on the body and may negatively impact mitochondrial health, which is crucial for fitness and longevity. Instead, consider Anti-Glycolytic Training (AGT), which involves short bursts of effort followed by near-complete rest. This method supports mitochondrial health and is particularly effective for activities requiring repeated high-intensity efforts like mountain biking. Aim for 5-10 seconds of work followed by 1 minute of rest for 10-30 minutes, using exercises like KB Swings, Jump Squats, or an exercise bike, 2-3 times a week. Daily Mobility Work Aging often leads to stiffness and reduced mobility, increasing injury risk and affecting your ability to display strength and endurance. For mountain bikers, this loss of mobility can also negatively impact technical skills and balance on the bike. This makes mobility training something that you must to in order to minimize your injury risk and help keep you moving well on and off the bike. With mobility training it is better to do a little bit each day than to do a lot 1-2 times a week and nothing on the other days. Consistent daily mobility training, even just 10-15 minutes focusing on stretches for the shoulders and hips, can make a significant difference in maintaining and improving mobility. Conclusion Thank you for taking the time to let me share this information with you. For more in-depth insights, be sure to check out the links provided. Strength Training Basics For The 40+ MTB Rider Bodybuilding Training For Mountain Bikers Isometric Training For MTB Beyond Intervals: Anti-Glycolytic Training Mobility Training For MTB You can visit BikeJames.com for additional training tips and programs specifically designed for mountain biking. The 40+ MTB Rider Training Program was the first of its kind and shows you how ...
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    32 分
  • Cardio Training For The 40+ Year Old MTB Rider

    Over the last 5-10 years my cardio training program has changed a lot.

    My old plan was to ride 5+ days a week and hit some hard intervals after my workouts. But now I can’t ride as much as I used to and my body can’t take the wear and tear of hard interval training for very long.

    With this new reality I’ve found myself using different training methods that I did in the past to not only keep me fit for trail riding but also to improve my health and longevity. I’ve posted some podcasts and blog posts about these different training methods but I’ve never gone over them all together and explained how I combine them all into a comprehensive program.

    In this episode of The Riding For A Lifetime Podcast I explain why I use the training methods I do and how you can use them as a part of your training plan.

    You can find a great breathing resource to help you learn more by clicking here.

    You can learn more about Anti Glycolytic Training by checking out this post/ podcast.

    Until next time…

    Ride Strong,

    James Wilson

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    55 分
  • Beyond Intervals - Using Anti Glycolytic Training To Improve Performance And Health

    When it comes to building MTB specific cardio, the best method is to actually ride your bike - that is the most sport specific training you can do. However, there are times when you can’t ride as much as you would like or you want to focus on specific qualities that you need on the trail but don’t use enough on the trail to continue to improve.

    There are also health benefits that you can get from a smart conditioning program that you can’t get from riding alone. This means that if you want to maximize your performance and your health then cardio training has to be part of your overall plan.

    In this episode of the Riding For A Lifetime Podcast I share a new cardio training method that I feel has a lot of potential for the 40+ year old rider.

    Let me know if you have any questions or need help getting started with this workout. This is just one way to go about it and I’ll be sharing more workout ideas with you as I get a chance to test them.

    Until next time…

    Ride Strong,

    James Wilson

    MTB Strength Training Systems

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    45 分
  • 8 Tips To Help Low Back Pain
    Low Back Pain is one of the most common things that riders suffer from both on and off the bike. It can ruin the good time that mountain biking is supposed to provide for us and in extreme cases can even make riders quit riding. Even more frustrating is that there doesn’t seem to be a consistent, predictable pattern with low back pain and it is often a mystery as to the specific underlying cause. But if you ignore it then it tends to get worse until you have to deal with it. I have experience with Low Back Pain both as a trainer who has helped riders overcome it but also as someone who has suffered from it. A long time ago I tweaked my back trying to deadlift too much weight and if I don’t stay on top of it my back gets stiff and sore, plus I have to be conscious of it while training. This journey to find solutions for myself and the riders I’ve worked with has led me to discover some things that I feel can help a lot of riders out there. A lot of these things aren’t your typical “stretch your hip flexors” advice you usually hear and they fill in some gaps that I think a lot of riders are missing in their attempts to fix their Low Back pain. First, before we get to the specific advice, make sure that there isn’t something medically wrong with your back. Have a doctor check it out and see if there is something specific going on like a pinched nerve or a bulging disc. But if there isn’t something specific wrong with your lower back and it just hurts at any time then there may be a few things you can do to help improve the situation. Here are 8 things that I’ve found can help improve your Low Back Pain: Be aware of your breathing.Improve your Hip Flexor strength with Isometric Exercises.Improve Hip mobility.Improve Spinal mobility.Have a Warm Up and a Pre-Ride Routine.Stand up for High Tension efforts.Use Flat Pedals.Use a Strength Training Program that creates a well balanced body.Be Aware Of Your Breathing. How you breathe affects a lot of things in your body, including your lower back. Several studies have found a link between bad breathing habits and low back pain, IMO most likely due to the inability of the core to properly stabilize under load (poor core stability has also been linked to low back pain). This means that you could be doing everything else right and still have low back pain. It’s a low hanging fruit that can make a big difference so you may as well make it a part of your overall strategy. Good breathing will help to stabilize the midsection and reinforce good posture. You want to be aware of and practice good breathing habits on the bike, in the gym and during your everyday life. You can check out this post to learn more about optimal breathing habits and how to assess and optimize your breathing habits. Strengthen the Hip Flexors with Isometric Exercises. The recommendation to strengthen the hip flexors might come as a surprise to some riders. We’ve been told for years that the problem was tight hip flexors and that we should avoid exercising them directly and focusing instead on stretching them. I’ve found that this doesn’t consistently fix the problem and that there isn’t a direct correlation to a muscle being “tight” and it also being strong. A weak muscle creates its own set of problems that need to be addressed and in some cases, addressing the strength issue helps with the mobility/ ROM issues. I’ve also found that using Isometric Exercises to strengthen the Hip Flexors offers a way to safely strengthen them, which can be an issue with movement based exercises. The 4 best Isometric Exercises that I’ve found for this purpose are the Single Leg Hip Flexor and Glute Bridge, Squat and Lunge. Start with wherever you're at and work up to holding the weakest point of the movement that you can get into with good posture and breathing for 60-90 seconds. Do them 1-3 times a week, focusing on improving your ROM and breathing each week along with the time you are holding for. Improve Hip Mobility. Yes, you most likely do need to improve your hip mobility, you just need to focus on more than just the front of the leg (Quads and Hip Flexors). Your hips have 4 basic directions of movement and you want to do something to work on all of them. I like to use good old fashioned static stretching positions along with my breathing and a little bit of movement to help me get deeper into the stretch. The 4 stretches I like to do are the Quad/ Hip Flexor Stretch, Hamstring Stretch, Glute Stretch and Butterfly Stretch. You want to hold the stretches for as long as you can - 15 seconds is better than nothing and holding them for 5+ minutes might do you some good. In general, though, I recommend 30 seconds up to 2 minutes, 3-7 days a week. Improve Spinal Mobility. Another forgotten part of the low back pain problem is that your spine needs to be able to move freely and sometimes sticking points in that movement create excessive stress on the spine. Having a ...
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    42 分