
  • Queering Dreams with Crystal Mason and Jason Wyman

    Crystal and Jason walk the walk and teach us through word and modeling how to be a collective. Explore with us the topic of creating a community and chosen family moving beyond the carceral state and seeding dreams of abolitionism.

    We then talk about how to be in the system and break it at the same time. Learn about the creed of commons and a frank conversation about money and holding your values and dreams as the north star.

    At the 40 min mark, Crystal leads us in a dreaming process and Jason and Crystal call us to action by inviting us to share our dreams with others. "We carry each other's dreams and if you can't imagine it, you can't create it."





    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    57 分
  • Celebrating Difference! Nick Venegoni on being Queer, Therapy and Shamanism

    Join us today as Nick explains his journey as a gay man who did not feel he fit in the gay male culture, his work life, and his family and embraced his weirdness through the exploration of his being a queer human.

    He explains that on this journey he realized that many of the things that others were doing did not appeal to him, clubs and partying, making lots of money as a definition of success, being more introverted and spiritual, and that

    allowed him to expand into a life that embraced and celebrated his "weirdness".

    This queer identity expanded into his work life as his psychotherapy practice embraced alternative forms of understanding oneself.

    Nick utilizes hypnotherapy, shamanism, sound healing, and neuro effective touch to help individuals reclaim their own sovereignty. He also explains Shamanism as he practices it and leads us on a short shamanic journey

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    32 分
  • Alex Ricci Queering Pilates and Unboxing Queer Identity

    Join us as we discuss how different communities influence our queer identity. Being a partner of a trans man things are not always what the appear to be. Straight communities assume we are straight, queer communities can question our right to be in queer spaces. There are so many assumptions about other identities and really, it's nobody's business.

    In the healing section Alex discusses creating space for people to get comfortable to work with themselves. She than leads us in exercise of the basics of the 100s and how we can begin practice at home.

    Alex is a comprehensively trained Pilates- Movement Teacher with over two decades of teaching experience & a lifetime of being a performer (band& musical theatre) & athlete. She has been lucky enough to forge a space for folks to safely delve into what this conversation looks & feels like through their virtual & private home studio space in Oakland, CA (USA).

    Alex's previous 13+ year full time career centered around Public Health/Non-Profit/Low Income Advocacy both on the micro & macro levels. Thankfully, the combination of her passion, education & clinical advocacy work has coupled well with her movement life & has morphed into where she finds herself today.

    Not only is Alex a Pilates & Movement teacher but also the CEO/Pet-Pro/Vet Tech Assistant at Mister Beever's Paws & Claws; the Bay Area's Finest Vet Tech Provided Pet Care & Animal Training. Alex & her partner Sen (i.e., Mister Beever) took a big leap 11 years ago & opened up this business together in Oakland, CA (USA). It has been a very rewarding experience. Alex is also a certified PEMF practitioner for humans, livestock, Equine & small animals. The combined academic, hands-on human, movement & animal backgrounds seamlessly mesh to provide an educated & customized wellness experience, for all in her care.

    In addition to holding Pilates movement space for her fellow LGBTQI + community, other Pilates teachers, Equestrians, Athletes, Seniors & Rehab bodies (i.e. ALL BODIES WELCOME!); Alex works closely with the Animal-Pro community & will be volunteering her time with them this May by holding a complimentary weekly virtual Pilates class. It's far too easy to get lost in acts of service work for others & Alex is working to cultivate a space of self-care for other fellow professionals. It promises to be a fun & informative class with the goal of creating better self-awareness & care habits.

    Last but definitely not least, Alex is a horse parent to Ricky, Cooper & Ladybug, along with 4 dogs: Sophie, Moxie, Bella & Dozer AND a 26-year-old kitty, named Monkey (aka Satan). Alex definitely practices what she preaches by continuing to be an ongoing Pilates student, as well as a newish Equestrian student.

    If you are interested in learning more about Pilates /Movement exploration, taking a private/ Duo/Trio virtual or in person session OR just want to see some cute animal photos, please visit Meetyourcorepilates.com to reach Alex directly.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    43 分
  • The Queering of Masculine and Feminine Energies
    Join us as Trinity describes how her spiritual practice has helped her to examine the fluidity of masculine and feminine energies. By stepping out of the dominant paradigms understanding of Masculine and feminine she talks about how we can create ourselves with just the right blend in each situation. In the second half, we explore her work as a Kundalini Yoga instructor and working with challenged youth.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    38 分
  • Willi Farrales

    Willi Queer identity and dominant culture. How we are sculpted. Looking at where we are shaped in a dominant culture and how do we unhook from it in Western culture and society, there are boxes where we can check off how people are supposed to be: male/female, straight/gay, and the praxis is moving into the variety and breadth the queer community has to offer. Willi that talks about how in Indigenous American culture where some languages are more verbs based so there is more fluidity. There is always going to be a horizon to queerness beyond where we are now so it keeps evolving. How do we set the conditions that allow us to make space for the creation which we have not seen or know into perpetuity? What does it mean to think outside of the conditions, norms, patterns?

    Willi then leads us in a somatic practice of centering, a way of being in this moment and broadening it to what is to come.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    45 分
  • Aurveyda and the exploration of queer and gay.
    Join us as we explore these definitions and the broadness of the queer term and its interconnectedness to nature. " Nature has been one of SJ biggest allies in learning about sexuality and their queerness. They would observe the features and shapes and characteristics of nature and realized the dynamic characteristics reflected their dynamics and of themselves beyond the limitations of cultural conditioning. "The more I unbind myself then I can see someone else."

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    47 分
  • Sister Sparkle- Finding Beauty
    Joy, Beauty and disolving of barriers of difference

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    36 分
  • Claim your Pleasure

    Ursula Goulet Ursula Goulet is a somatic coach, bodyworker, ceremonial cacao facilitator, and ritual herbalist on a mission of liberation and healing through erotic awakening. In this episode, we explore the power of reclaiming our pleasure just for the joy of it as well as a transformational process to liberate life force and unwind cultural myths. There are so many amazing quotes and scintillating conversations that I urge you to listen to this episode no matter where you are in your erotic discovery.

    Topics covered: Stepping out of fear and shame, cultivating erotic vitality, moving beyond scripts, leisurely connecting with yourself, and creating sustainable daily practices for a life of pleasure.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    54 分