
  • The Product Manager as a Player-Coach

    1:22- Joe explains why the role of Product Player Coach role is a cop-out

    2:51- Todd uses data to say how it can work and leverages his love of the NBA to demonstrates why

    5:34- We discuss what success looks like for a Product Manager Player Coach

    10:02- Ryan walks us through how we resolved the challenges associated with this hybrid role

    13:32- Todd walks us through the disadvantages of the hybrid PM/Coach role

    16:03- Joe emphatically tells us why Product Managers must be successful at relationships- Product Managers are already “coaches”

    20:15- We talk about getting uncomfortable to grow as a product manager

    23:30- Joe discusses his affinity for gold stars

    26:30- Life lessons from being a player-coach have advantages for career advancement if you want to be a people manager

    30:20- What are the negatives of being a player-coach?

    32:30- We hear about Todd’s real-life experience as a player-coach. Todd clashes with his peers but learns to turn it around.

    34:50- Ryan tells us about his real-life experience as a player-coach. He’s the scapegoat!

    37:10- How do relationships change when you become a player-coach?

    40:20- Hear a fantastic analogy between player-coach and Spider-man 2

    44:25- Words of advice for anyone considering the role of player-coach.

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  • Transforming product setbacks into success

    1:30 Ryan ponders what product failure means?

    3:37 The true definition of failure is identified

    6:33 Todd speaks to the categories of product failure

    9:33 Todd assumes the role of therapist and tells Ryan and Joe they didn’t fail

    12:13- We discuss how we turn failure into a learning opportunity

    15:06- Joe discusses the most underrated product management skill

    19:08- We bring back the Jobs to be done framework when dealing with our co-workers

    22:25- Todd shares a tip on how manage friction with a co-workers (brilliant)

    25:44- We talk about the temptation to take short-cuts with process

    29:00 Todd tells us why he didn’t win any newsroom awards one year

    31:00 Ryan comes up with a new PM slogan “It's the scars that make you and not the successes” (Joe thinks it should be on a bumper sticker)

    32:34- The “learning” is knowing how we can do it better next time (Hallmark card time)

    35:00 - Todd reminds why we shouldn’t never give up when the going gets tough

    36:08 - We talk about the fear of using AI to make product management short cuts

    37:09 - We all share our product failure war stories

    44:30- Wayne’s World reference makes its way into our podcast- Success!

    48:00- Thoughts on how you respond to failure drives who you are as a product manager

    52:00 Wrap Up

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  • Product Management Jargon Draft

    1:07 – Joe kicks off the discussion on useless product management terms.
    1:49 – We start the PM Jargon Draft, with Todd winning the #1 pick.
    3:04 – Todd and Ryan’s #1 pick: "CEO of the Product."
    4:23 – Joe’s #1 pick: "Customer Centric" (he’s salty he couldn’t trade for the #1 pick).
    6:07 – Todd discusses how every healthcare company is "patient-first" – shouldn’t we all be patient-first in healthcare?
    7:14 – Ryan questions "Productize" – is it a verb? A new word in the English dictionary? The big draft controversy.
    9:41 – Todd adds "Gathering Requirements" to his hit list of terrible PM terms. We suggest "Gathering Insights" as a better alternative.
    15:00 – Iteration vs. Agile discussion – "We are going to be Agile" drives Joe nuts because it often just means "Can we launch it faster?"
    18:20 – Ryan selects a declaration: "We are going to be more innovative."
    21:10 – "Thinking outside the box" is a controversial pick in the draft.
    22:25 – Todd explains why he hates the term "Feature Parity"; Joe recommends "Holistic Approach" instead.
    30:51 – "Being Product-led" is a steal in the 3rd round for Ryan, who explains what it really means.
    36:10 – Undrafted superstar PM Terms (Joe has PTSD from Ryan yelling at him for "fail fast").
    40:00 – Todd predicts next year’s draft class, starting with "Outcomes over Outputs," "Product-Market Fit," and "Go-to-Market Enablement."
    43:00 – Actionable takeaways.

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  • Product Principles In Real Life
    • Ryan tells us how he leveraged PM principles recently for his mulch project ( 0:45)
    • Joe shows us how Ryan applied the Jobs to Done framework to Ryan’s approach (3:00)
    • We discuss how often we apply PM Principles creep into our life (5:00)
    • Todd discusses how Problem Framing can be applied in real-world scenarios (12:00)
    • Joe gives us a review of the Broadway Show “Heart of Rock and Roll” (20:00)
    • Ryan walks us through dot voting techniques for family (21:00)
    • Todd experiments with Tiny Acts of Discovery (23:50)
    • Ryan applies iteration techniques when filling up the dishwasher (26:40)
    • Todd discusses success metrics and his neighbor's lawn (31:00)
    • We talk about which product principles don’t work in real life (32:27)
    • Key takeaways and our recommendations (38:24)

    Help keep the Product Porch lights on by giving at Patreon.com/TheProductPorch.

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  • Rebranding the Product Manager Title
    • Product Champions: a new title for PMs (1:00)
    • Airbnb gets rid of product manager title (3:45)
    • Chief No Officer / Head of No / Innovation Sponge / Walking Roadblock / Killer of Dreams, (5:55)
    • Superman, Smokey the Bear and Lil Smokies, and User Psychologists (12:15)
    • Group Therapist, Anger Manager, and The Negotiator (15:20)
    • Outcome Architect and Director of Opinions (19:00)
    • Aladdin and Product Genie wishing rules (22:30)
    • Provlemologist and Innovation Specialists (27:15)
    • The Fortune Teller, Product Facilier, and Product Gambler (29:45)
    • Napalm Artist, sports cliches, and The Joker (33:40)
    • Value Broker, Risk Mitigator, and Zookeeper (37:40)
    • We discuss whether or not the PM title needs a rebrand (39:00)
    • Which PM titles are our favorites (41:00)
    • Why the Product Manager role needs a brand and marketing department (45:15)
    • Key Takeaways (46:40)

    Help keep the Product Porch lights on by giving at Patreon.com/TheProductPorch.

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  • How Much Does Industry Experience Matter
    • Ryan emphatically explains why you don’t need experience for a PM job (2:11)
    • Joe shares why it isn’t a black/white answer (4:20)
    • The danger in over-indexing to hiring for experience (8:30)
    • The value of mentorships to overcome a lack of industry experience (18:00)
    • Ryan walks us through the beginners mindset as a product leader (23:00)
    • Find fit for the role - don’t rely on the experience - how long does it take to be great at product discovery (28:00)
    • Ryan tell us why he hates the term “fail fast” (31:00)
    • The similarities between baseball and product management (35:10)
    • A teaser on an upcoming product management podcast (41:00)
    • Key Takeaways (45:30)

    Help keep the Product Porch lights on by giving at Patreon.com/TheProductPorch.

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  • The Dark Side of Product Management
    • Ryan’s story - struggle with plastic bags - being environmentally responsible (:58)
    • Jobs to be Done is a PM’s superpower (5:00)
    • Using the empathy superpower for evil (6:00)
    • Using the storytelling for evil (8:14)
    • Navigating Righteous Path of Product Management (13:20)
    • Using the planning superpower for evil (17:00)
    • Avoiding stakeholders that get in your way (20:15)
    • Why shouldn't we pursue the dark side of product management (22:00)
    • How do you know when your employees are looking for impact but doing it in a self serving way - how to stop it from happening (27:00)
    • Balance between short and long term product decisions (31:30)
    • Todd’s talks about how the Nintendo Wii is a good example of ethical product management (36:30)
    • Key takeaways (38:00)

    Help keep the Product Porch lights on by giving at Patreon.com/TheProductPorch.

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  • The Product Porch Trailer
    On The Product Porch, every topic is a product topic. Dive into casual conversations on product management and career growth, woven with pop culture and real-life insights. Each episode offers actionable takeaways as the hosts tackle pressing questions and challenges in the product field. Settle in with Joe Ghali, Ryan Cantwell, and Todd Blaquiere!Help keep the Product Porch lights on by giving at Patreon.com/TheProductPorch.
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