It’s TIME! Spring is the time to shake off the dust of hibernation; then, step out and SHINE! Learn to take charge of your space and enjoy living! Our show this week is The Power to ORGANIZE CHAOS! Our Guest Daryl Ashley explains how having clutter can actually cause stress! Learning how dealing with a disorganized home, can open doors for a better life. Ever thought about bringing your home back to order, have everything sorted and in its own place? Perhaps you have too many papers, clothes and unfinished projects. Then, learn how to Get Organized with Daryl Ashley. Every individual needs to have a system that WORKS; so you can - Re-focus, re-fresh, and re-boot! -Jump into SPRING! Today is a good time to START! Join us Tuesday Feb 26th at 10:am Pacific time/1 pm Eastern: Practical Solutions for Life on the Empowerment Channel with Voice America.