From exposure to vitamin D and its positive effects on our well-being, to the cognitive benefits that come with fresh air, to the innate joy and freedom of being outdoors, outdoor learning is beneficial for both students—and teachers. In this episode I share some ideas for how any teacher can get outside more with their students.
Read the article: https://www.trevormuir.com/blog/outdoor-learning
Check out my new book: https://www.amazon.com/New-Teacher-Mindset-Innovative-Strategies/dp/1394210086?crid=ETFBNFNCOW6W&keywords=new+teacher+mindset+muir&qid=1706209905&sprefix=new+teacher+mindset+muir,aps,108&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=trevormuirsit-20&linkId=636126ddad3f89f665303211c450af22&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl