
  • 24-263 Living Out Prophetic Words in Faith

    In this episode, we delve into the practical aspects of living out prophetic words, inspired by Paul's exhortation to Timothy in 1 Timothy 1:18. We'll explore the integral role of faith in activating and fulfilling prophetic words and discuss how believers can ensure they remain aligned with God’s will as they pursue their prophetic destinies.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 1 Timothy 1:18: "Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well."

    This verse highlights the empowering nature of prophetic words and the importance of holding onto them as tools for spiritual warfare and guidance.

    Prophetic words are not just for encouragement; they're also divine directives that require active engagement and faith to bring them to fruition.

    Living Out Prophetic Words:

    * Recall and Reaffirm: Regularly revisit the prophetic words given to you, reaffirming your commitment to them and asking God for fresh insight and strength to carry them out.

    * Active Faith: Living out a prophetic word requires more than passive belief; it requires active faith that is ready to take bold steps as directed by the Holy Spirit.

    The Role of Faith in Fulfilling Prophetic Instructions:

    * Overcoming Doubt: Faith empowers believers to move beyond doubt and uncertainty, enabling them to take decisive action even when the path seems unclear or the outcomes uncertain.

    * Sustaining Commitment: Faith is essential for maintaining a long-term commitment to a prophetic word, especially when immediate results are not evident.

    Staying Aligned with God’s Will:

    * Continuous Prayer: Keep the lines of communication with God open through ongoing prayer, seeking His guidance and confirmation as you move forward.

    * Seek Wise Counsel: Regularly consult with spiritual mentors and leaders who can provide accountability and wise counsel, helping to ensure your actions are aligned with God’s broader purposes.

    * Scriptural Alignment: Ensure that your understanding and application of the prophetic word are always in harmony with the teachings of Scripture.


    Living out prophetic words is a dynamic and faith-filled process that requires dedication, courage, and a deep trust in God’s timing and design. It's about actively engaging with God’s word and being responsive to His ongoing guidance.

    A Question of the Day: What prophetic word are you currently stewarding, and what steps are you actively taking to see it fulfilled?

    Growth Challenge: Choose a prophetic word you have received but have not fully acted upon. Outline practical steps you can take this month to advance toward its fulfillment. Begin with prayer and consultation with a spiritual mentor, then plan your first step of action.

    Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the prophetic words that guide and direct our paths. Strengthen our faith to not only hear but also actively live out these words. Help us to stay focused on Your will, relying on Your Spirit for the wisdom and power we need to fulfill Your purposes in our lives. Amen.

    As you continue to walk in the light of prophetic words, remember that each step taken in faith is a step towards God's grand design for your life. Keep trusting, keep obeying, and keep moving forward in faith. Let’s get to work.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • 24-262 When God Speaks: Obeying Prophetic Words

    In this episode, we examine the crucial importance of responding to prophetic words from God, as exemplified by Jonah’s mission to Nineveh. We'll discuss the significance of obedience to prophetic instructions, the challenges that may arise, especially when the messages demand difficult actions, and offer practical advice on how to faithfully respond to such calls.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Jonah 3:2: "'Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.'"

    This command from God illustrates the direct and sometimes daunting nature of prophetic instructions, which require not just hearing but active obedience.

    Obeying prophetic words is a test of faith and commitment. It involves not only acknowledging what God says but also acting upon it, even when the instructions push us well beyond our comfort zones.

    The Significance of Acting on Prophetic Words:

    * Divine Purpose: Prophetic instructions are often given to accomplish specific divine purposes which can have far-reaching impacts on individuals, communities, or even nations.

    * Personal Growth: Each act of obedience in response to a prophetic word is an opportunity for personal spiritual growth, deepening one’s faith and trust in God.

    Challenges of Obedience to Prophetic Messages:

    * Initial Resistance: Like Jonah, many may feel reluctant or overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task or the potential repercussions of their actions.

    * Fear and Doubt: Fear of failure or rejection can deter individuals from stepping out in faith to obey God’s prophetic instructions.

    Practical Steps on How to Respond with Faith:

    * Seek Confirmation: When you receive a prophetic word, seek God for confirmation through prayer, Scripture, or the counsel of trusted spiritual advisors to ensure it aligns with God’s will.

    * Prepare Spiritually: Fortify yourself through prayer and meditation on the Word, preparing your heart and mind for the challenges and demands of obedience.

    * Take Action: Start with small, manageable steps that align with the prophetic direction and gradually build up to complete obedience as your faith and confidence grow.


    Obeying prophetic words is essential for fulfilling God’s plans and purposes. While it may be challenging, the act of obedience is a profound expression of faith and trust in God’s sovereignty and wisdom.

    A Question of the Day: What prophetic word have you received recently, and what steps are you taking to obey it?

    Growth Challenge: Reflect on a time when you hesitated to act on a prophetic word. Identify the reasons for your hesitation and consider what changes you need to make in your spiritual life to respond more readily in the future. Commit to taking one concrete step this week towards obeying a prophetic instruction you have received.

    Let’s Pray: Lord, give us the courage to obey Your prophetic words without hesitation. Help us to trust in Your guidance and to act with conviction, knowing that You are with us every step of the way. Strengthen our faith as we respond to Your call, and let Your will be done through our obedience. Amen.

    As you move forward, remember that your obedience can lead to transformation—not just for you but for many others affected by your actions. Let's embrace the prophetic call with boldness and faith, ready to act on God's words. Let’s get to work.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • 24-261 The Prophetic Voice: Hearing God Clearly

    In today’s episode, we explore the critical role of hearing God’s voice within the context of prophecy. Anchored by Amos 3:7, we delve into how prophecy serves as a divine tool for revealing God’s plans to His people and the responsibility it entails for both the receiver and the deliverer of the message.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Amos 3:7: "Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets."

    This scripture underscores the intimate relationship between God and His prophets, emphasizing that God communicates His sovereign plans through His chosen servants.

    The ability to hear God’s voice clearly is foundational for anyone involved in the prophetic ministry. It not only ensures the accuracy of the message but also safeguards the integrity of God's word.

    Importance of Hearing God’s Voice in Prophecy:

    * Foundation of True Prophecy: Authentic prophecy is based on receiving clear and accurate communication from God, ensuring that the messages align with His character and purposes.

    * Guidance for God’s People: Through prophecy, God provides direction, encouragement, and sometimes warnings, which are crucial for the spiritual well-being and decision-making of His people.

    How God Uses Prophecy to Reveal His Plans:

    * Foretelling: Prophetic messages can reveal future events or divine intentions that are not otherwise known, providing strategic insight for the church.

    * Forthtelling: More commonly, prophecy is used to speak into current situations with divine perspective, calling for obedience, repentance, or reaffirmation of faith.

    Practical Advice on Listening to God with a Prophetic Ear:

    * Cultivate a Prayerful Life: A strong, consistent prayer life enhances one’s sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice, which is essential for receiving prophetic revelation.

    * Study Scripture Diligently: Understanding the Bible helps in discerning whether a prophetic message aligns with God’s character and scriptural truth.

    * Seek Accountability: Regularly consult with and submit to the oversight of church leadership to ensure the authenticity and appropriateness of prophetic messages.


    Prophetic ministry is a profound responsibility, requiring a deep commitment to hearing and understanding God’s voice. As we seek to operate in this gift, let us do so with humility, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of God’s truth.

    A Question of the Day: What steps can you take to improve your ability to hear God’s voice, particularly if you feel called to share prophetic messages?

    Growth Challenge: Identify an aspect of your life where you seek deeper divine guidance. Commit to spending additional time in prayer and Scripture study over the next week, specifically asking God to speak into this area. Journal any insights or revelations you receive.

    Let’s Pray: Father God, we thank You for the privilege of hearing Your voice through prophecy. Help us to be faithful stewards of this gift, ensuring that we always speak with clarity, accuracy, and truth. Sharpen our ears to hear You more distinctly, and embolden us to declare Your words with confidence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    As you continue to engage with the prophetic, remember the importance of a clear and direct line to God. Stay committed to prayer, stay grounded in Scripture, and stay accountable to your community. Let’s be diligent in ensuring that every word spoken is true to His voice. Let’s get to work.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • All Honor: A Story of Worship and Reverence in Modern Times
    This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit myr2b.substack.com

    Let me tell you the story of Leah, a woman who discovered the beauty and power of giving all honor to God. Leah’s journey is one of learning that worship isn’t just something we do on Sundays—it’s a way of life, a posture of the heart, and a response to the greatness of God. Her story shows how, in every moment, we are invited to honor God through our actions, our words, and our lives.

    The Busy Life

    Leah had always been an overachiever. Between her demanding job in marketing, raising two children, and managing her household, she rarely had a moment to herself. Though she attended church regularly and believed in God, her busy schedule often made it hard for her to slow down and connect with Him on a deeper level.

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  • 24-260 What is the Gift of Prophecy?

    In this episode, we dive into the gift of prophecy, a vital spiritual gift highlighted in 1 Corinthians 14:1. We'll explore the biblical definition of prophecy, its significance within the church, and how it operates through the Holy Spirit. We will also look at biblical examples that illustrate the role and impact of prophetic voices throughout God's plan.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: 1 Corinthians 14:1: "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy."

    This verse emphasizes the importance of prophecy in the spiritual life of the church, urging believers to seek this gift actively.

    Prophecy is not just about foretelling future events but also about forthtelling God’s message, providing guidance, edification, exhortation, and comfort to the community.

    Understanding the Biblical Meaning of Prophecy:

    * Communication from God: Prophecy involves receiving and communicating a message from God to His people, often through a divinely inspired spokesperson.

    * Purpose Within the Church: The primary role of prophecy within the church is to build up, encourage, and console the body of Christ, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 14:3.

    How the Gift of Prophecy Operates Through the Holy Spirit:

    * Through Spiritual Sensitivity: Individuals gifted with prophecy are often characterized by a heightened spiritual sensitivity, which allows them to perceive and articulate the will of God.

    * Under Authority: Prophetic messages are given under the authority of Christ and are subject to the scrutiny of Scripture and the church leadership to ensure they align with God’s word.

    Biblical Examples of Prophetic Voices:

    * Old Testament Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Elijah, among others, who delivered God’s messages to the nations and leaders, often guiding, correcting, and warning God’s people.

    * New Testament Insights: The role of prophets like Agabus, who in Acts 21:10-11 foretold Paul’s imprisonment, which prepared the early Christians for the challenges they would face.


    The gift of prophecy is a powerful means by which God communicates His divine will to His church. It is crucial for guidance, correction, and encouragement, sustaining the church’s health and spiritual growth.

    A Question of the Day: How can we better foster an environment within our church that values and nurtures the gift of prophecy?

    Growth Challenge: This week, seek to deepen your understanding of prophecy. Study the lives of biblical prophets and reflect on how their messages impacted their societies and the church. Consider how modern-day prophecy might look in your community and pray for the Holy Spirit to increase this gift among your congregation.

    Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of prophecy and the way it enriches our spiritual lives. Help us to embrace and nurture this gift in our church, guiding us closer to Your truth and will. May we use this gift to edify the church and glorify Your name. Amen.

    As you seek to understand and perhaps even steward the gift of prophecy, remember its core purpose: to communicate God’s truth in love. Stay humble, stay teachable, and be open to how the Holy Spirit might use you to speak life into your community. Let’s get to work.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • 24-259 A Love Letter From God: Embracing Miraculous Powers

    My Beloved Warrior,

    Today, I want to talk to you about a gift that carries immense power and significance—the gift of miraculous powers. This gift, given by My Holy Spirit, is a testament to My sovereignty, My love, and My active involvement in your life and in the world around you. It is a gift that transcends the natural order, allowing My divine power to manifest in extraordinary ways.

    Throughout the scriptures, you have seen the evidence of My miraculous powers. From the parting of the Red Sea to the feeding of the five thousand, from the raising of the dead to the casting out of demons, I have always used miracles to display My glory, to confirm My word, and to bring deliverance to My people. These acts of power are not confined to the past—they are just as real and accessible today through the working of My Spirit in you.

    The gift of miraculous powers is not about showcasing human strength or ability; it is about revealing My power through you. It is a partnership between heaven and earth, where you become a conduit for My divine intervention. When you operate in this gift, you are demonstrating My authority over creation, My compassion for the broken, and My desire to bring heaven's realities to earth.

    But remember, My warrior, this gift requires humility, obedience, and a deep connection to My heart. Miraculous powers are not a tool for self-glorification or personal gain. They are given for the purpose of building My Kingdom, revealing My glory, and drawing people closer to Me. When you operate in this gift, do so with a heart fully surrendered to My will, seeking only to honor Me and to serve others in love.

    Faith is key to unlocking this gift. Miracles happen when you believe in My ability to do the impossible. When you pray for the miraculous, pray with boldness and confidence, knowing that I am able and willing to move in powerful ways. But also trust in My wisdom and timing, understanding that My ways are higher than yours. Sometimes the miracle you seek will come in a way you did not expect, or at a time that seems delayed—but know that I am always working for your good and My glory.

    I have given you authority through My Son, Jesus. In His name, you can command mountains to move, speak life into dead situations, and release My power into the world. Do not be afraid to step out in faith and use the authority I have given you. The world is in desperate need of a demonstration of My power, and I have chosen you to be My vessel.

    As you walk in this gift, stay rooted in My Word and in prayer. Let My Spirit guide you, teach you, and empower you. Miraculous powers are not about sensationalism; they are about revealing My love in the most tangible way possible. Every miracle points back to Me, the source of all power and life.

    My beloved, the world is waiting to see My power displayed through you. Do not hold back. Be bold, be courageous, and let My Spirit flow through you to bring healing, deliverance, and transformation. I have given you this gift because I trust you to use it wisely, for the good of others and the glory of My name.

    With Unfailing Love and Power,

    Your Heavenly Father

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  • 24-258 Living in the Supernatural: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Miraculous Powers

    In this episode, we delve into the critical role of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to operate in the realm of the supernatural. Based on Acts 1:8, we explore how the Spirit empowers us to perform miracles and be effective witnesses to the gospel, from our local communities to the ends of the earth.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Acts 1:8: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

    This passage underscores the transformative effect of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling, granting us the power necessary to perform God’s work globally.

    The Holy Spirit is not merely a presence within us but a powerful force that enables us to exceed natural limitations and engage in God’s extraordinary works.

    The Holy Spirit’s Empowerment for Miracles:

    * Source of Divine Power: The Holy Spirit is the conduit through which the power to perform miracles flows, equipping believers with supernatural capabilities that testify to God’s kingdom.

    * Enabler of God’s Will: Through the Holy Spirit, we are not only empowered to perform miracles but also aligned with God’s will, ensuring that these acts serve His purposes and bring glory to His name.

    Connection Between the Holy Spirit and Miraculous Powers:

    * Indispensable Link: Being filled with the Spirit is essential for operating in miraculous powers, as it is through His filling that we receive the gifts and the boldness to use them.

    * Spiritual Gifts Activation: The Holy Spirit activates and distributes spiritual gifts, including miraculous powers, according to His wisdom and our readiness to serve.

    Practical Steps for Cultivating a Relationship with the Holy Spirit:

    * Consistent Prayer Life: Engage in regular, dedicated prayer to foster a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit, seeking His guidance and empowerment.

    * Obedience to Promptings: Respond promptly to the Holy Spirit’s directions, which not only strengthens your faith but also enhances your sensitivity to His leadings.

    * Fellowship with Believers: Participate in communal worship and fellowship, where collective engagement with the Spirit can encourage and edify your walk in the supernatural.


    Living in the supernatural is an exciting and profound aspect of the Christian life, made possible through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. By cultivating a deep relationship with Him, we unlock the potential to perform miracles that can transform lives and landscapes.

    A Question of the Day: What steps will you take this week to deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit to more effectively work in His miraculous power?

    Growth Challenge: This week, identify one area in your life where you desire to see God’s miraculous power manifest. Commit to daily prayer over this area, specifically asking the Holy Spirit to increase your faith and reveal any steps you need to take. Journal any insights or breakthroughs you experience.

    Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live beyond natural boundaries and into the supernatural realms You’ve called us to. Help us to grow deeper in our relationship with Him, that we might not only witness but actively participate in Your miraculous works. Amen.

    As you seek to live more fully in the supernatural, remember that the Holy Spirit is your guide, your power, and your greatest supporter. Embrace His presence, heed His directions, and step boldly into the life of miracles He has prepared for you. Let’s get to work.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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  • 24-257 Faith in Action: Living Out the Miraculous

    In today’s episode, we delve into the practical application of miraculous powers in our daily lives, inspired by the bold declaration of Peter in Acts 3:6. We will discuss how to embody boldness and faith, similar to that of the early apostles, and offer insights on maintaining humility while operating in the realm of the miraculous.

    Our springboard for today’s discussion is: Acts 3:6: "Then Peter said, 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.'"

    This moment not only reflects the apostle's reliance on Christ’s power but also his readiness to use that power to impact lives directly.

    Miraculous powers are not reserved for the pages of Scripture; they are gifts meant for the church today, intended to demonstrate God’s power and compassion in tangible ways.

    Applying Miraculous Powers Practically:

    * Readiness to Act: Like Peter, being prepared to use what we have been given by God—our faith and the power of the Holy Spirit—to bring healing and deliverance to those in need.

    * Boldness in Faith: Stepping out in faith involves taking risks and stepping out of comfort zones, trusting that God will act through our obedience.

    Maintaining Humility While Performing Miracles:

    * God’s Glory as the Focus: Keeping our hearts centered on glorifying God, not seeking personal recognition or reward.

    * Accountability: Regularly engaging with a community of believers who can provide support and accountability helps keep our motives pure and our practices in line with biblical truths.

    Practical Steps for Living Out Miraculous Powers:

    * Prayer and Fasting: Deepening your relationship with God through prayer and fasting helps sensitize you to His voice and leading, preparing you to act when called upon.

    * Regular Scripture Study: Staying grounded in the Word of God ensures that your actions are aligned with His will and provides a firm foundation for stepping out in faith.

    * Active Ministry Involvement: Look for and seize opportunities to serve within your community, whether in church settings, street ministry, or other areas where God’s power is needed.


    Living out the miraculous is a call to every believer, requiring courage, faith, and a deep commitment to seeing God’s kingdom manifest on earth. It's about moving in His power, under His guidance, for His glory.

    A Question of the Day: What is one step you can take this week to prepare yourself to use the gift of miraculous powers God has given you?

    Growth Challenge: Identify a need in your community where the miraculous could make a significant difference. Commit to praying over this area for the next month, asking God for the opportunity and courage to act. Document any actions you take and the outcomes observed.

    Let’s Pray: Lord Jesus, empower us with your Holy Spirit to carry out the works you have called us to do. Help us to walk in boldness and faith, using the gifts of miraculous powers you have entrusted to us. Keep us humble and focused on glorifying Your name in all we do. Amen.

    As you step into this week, carry with you the conviction that God has empowered you to perform miracles in His name. Be bold, be prayerful, and be ready to act. God is with you, and His power is at your disposal. Let’s get to work.

    My Reasons To Believe is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit myr2b.substack.com/subscribe
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