
  • EP 27: Chungliang Al Huang & Tyler Lapkin

    In this episode we speak with Master Chungliang Al Huang—a tai chi master, writer, philosopher, dancer, and generational teacher. Originally from Shanghai, China, Master Huang moved to the United States to study architecture and cultural anthropology, and later Dance

    In the 1960s, Master Huang forged a significant collaboration with philosopher Alan Watts, which led him to Esalen. There, he became a beloved teacher and formed meaningful connections with thought leaders such as Huston Smith, Gregory Bateson, and Joseph Campbell. He and Joe taught together at Esalen until Joe’s death in 1987.

    Master Huang is an author of many books including the classic Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain. His contributions include pioneering modern dance in the Republic of China and sharing the stage with luminaries like the Dalai Lama and Jane Goodall. He has been an assembly member and presenter at The Council for the Parliament of the World’s Religions and has been a keynote speaker for the YPO (Young Presidents’ Organization) and WPO (World Presidents’ Organization) and at major global gatherings in China, India, Switzerland, Germany, South America, South Africa, and Bali. In 1988 he was featured in the inaugural segment of the PBS series, A World of Ideas, moderated by Bill Moyers.

    Joseph Campbell famously remarked, “Chungliang Al Huang’s Tai Ji dancing is ‘mythic images’ incarnate. He has found a new way to explain ‘the hero’s journey’ to help others follow their bliss through the experience of tai ji practice in his work through the Living Tao Foundation.”

    In this conversation, we discuss his life, his relationship with Alan Watts, and his friendship with Joseph Campbell.

    For learn more about Chungliang visit :https://livingtao.org

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    1 時間 19 分
  • EP 26: Shelly Tygielski & Tyler Lapkin

    In this episode of The Podcast with a Thousand Faces, we welcome the incredible Shelly Tygielski. Shelly is a mindfulness teacher, community organizer, producer, philanthropist, author, activist, public speaker, and former corporate executive.

    At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Shelly founded Pandemic of Love, a grassroots mutual aid movement that has connected millions of people worldwide and facilitated $200 million in direct donations.

    She is the author of two books, “Sit Down To Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change the World” and “How We Ended Racism: Realizing a New Possibility in One Generation,” co-authored by Justin Michael Williams which debuted as a #1 Amazon bestseller in October 2023.

    In 2022, Shelly co-founded Partners in Kind, a production company that aims to highlight important issues through powerful storytelling to inspire social change.

    Shelly combines her corporate skills with mindfulness principles to drive social justice and support communities affected by trauma. Her dedication to radical self-care and community building has made her a leading figure in the mindfulness movement.

    In the conversation, Shelly and JCF's Tyler Lapkin explore Shelly’s inspiring journey, her transformative work, and the power of storytelling for a more compassionate world.

    To find out more about Shelly visit:


    Instagram: @mindfulskatergirl

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    1 時間 4 分
  • EP 25: Dr. Brad Reedy & John Bucher

    Today on the Podcast, we welcome Dr. Brad Reedy.

    Dr. Reedy has a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy. Brad has broadcast over 1,300 webinars on parenting since 2007, and hosts the podcast “Finding You” He is also the author of two books on parenting and self-discovery: The Journey of the Heroic Parent and The Audacity to Be You.

    Brad has developed an accessible and liberating approach to adolescents, young adults, and their parents. His powerful ability to use his own story and stories from the thousands of families he has treated, offers hope to families suffering from mental health, addiction, and stage-of-life issues.

    Brad is a co-founder and the Executive Clinical Director of Evoke Therapy Programs, which provides therapeutic services for adolescents, young adults, parents, families, and individuals looking to gain greater intimacy in their relationships.

    In the conversation, he and John Bucher of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, talk about Brad’s life and work, storytelling and its role in a therapeutic setting, how myths can be used in parenting, and how Campbell’s work has been an important guide in Brad’s life.

    Find out more about Brad at:


    Instagram @drbradreedy

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    1 時間 4 分
  • EP 24: Ben Rogers & John Bucher

    In this episode, we welcome Dr. Ben Rogers.

    Dr. Rogers is an Assistant Professor of Management & Organization at Boston College. He the author of a groundbreaking research paper published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, which reveals how framing our own lives a Hero’s Journey is associated with psychological benefits such as enhanced well-being, greater life satisfaction, a sense of flourishing, and reduced depression. “The way that people tell their life story shapes how meaningful their lives feel,” he says. “And you don’t have to live a super heroic life or be a person of adventure—virtually anyone can rewrite their story as a Hero’s Journey.”

    In the episode, JCF'S John Bucher speaks with Ben about Ben’s research, why Campbell’s Hero’s Journey structure is such a powerful context for storytelling, and how adopting the narrative structure of the hero's journey can enrich our lives with greater meaning and sense of fulfillment.

    Learn more about Ben and his research at: https://www.benarogers.com/

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    57 分
  • EP 23: Chris Vogler & John Bucher

    In this episode we welcome Chris Vogler. Chris is a Hollywood development executive, screenwriter, author and educator. He is best known for working with Disney and for his screenwriting guide, The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers.

    Chris was inspired by the writings of Joseph Campbell, particularly The Hero with a Thousand Faces. He used Campbell's work to create a 7-page company memo for Hollywood screenwriters, A Practical Guide to The Hero with a Thousand Faces which he later developed into The Writer's Journey. He has since spun off his techniques into worldwide masterclasses.

    In the conversation, John Bucher of the Joseph Campbell Foundation speaks with Chris about his life, his work, the Hero’s Journey, the art of storytelling, and Joseph Campbell.

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    1 時間 5 分
  • EP 22: Ben Katt & Tyler Lapkin

    In this episode we welcome Ben Katt. Ben has been helping people experience deep transformation and access lives of greater joy, compassion, and purpose for the past twenty years. His first book, The Way Home: Discovering the Hero’s Journey to Wholeness at Midlife, is a guidebook and memoir about the inner journey we all must embark on in order to live our fullest lives. He writes regularly about identity, purpose, creativity, and belonging in his STILL newsletter on Substack.

    He is a certified advanced meditation teacher with 1 Giant Mind, holds a Master of Divinity degree, and was an ordained minister for over a decade. Previously, he led The On Being Project’s work in supporting religious and spiritual leaders in the work of social healing. Ben is a perpetual student of religious, spiritual, and cultural wisdom, and an expert at adapting ancient personal development practices for modern contexts in order to help people wake up to who they are and why they are here.

    He lives with his wife, three children, and a bunny in Milwaukee, WI where he enjoys walking by the lake, trail running, karaoke, and volunteering as a hospice companion.

    In the conversation, Ben and Tyler Lapkin of the Joseph Campbell Foundation speak about Ben’s life, why he based his book around Campbell’s hero’s journey, what it means to have your heart, the necessity of following your weird, and why midlife is such an important crossroads for us all.

    To learn more about Ben and his book visit https://www.benjaminkatt.com/

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    59 分
  • EP 21: Trudy Goodman & Tyler Lapkin

    In this episode, Trudy Goodman speaks with Tyler Lapkin of the Joseph Campbell Foundation.

    One of the earliest teachers of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Trudy taught with its creator, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the MBSR clinic at University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1983. In 1995 she co-founded, and is still the Guiding Teacher at the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, the first center in the world dedicated to exploring the synergy of these two disciplines. She was an early adopter and now smiles seeing mindfulness everywhere.

    After becoming a mother, Trudy was fascinated by human development, and studied w Jean Piaget in Geneva, Carol Gilligan, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Jerome Bruner at Harvard. Trudy co-founded a school for distressed children, practicing mindfulness-based psychotherapy with children, parents, teenagers, couples and individuals. She enjoys the company of kids of all ages and has kept her own child-like wonder and curiosity about the world she loves.

    Since 1974, Trudy has devoted much of her life to practicing Buddhist meditation with great Asian and Western teachers in the Zen and Theravada traditions. From 1991 to 1998, Trudy was a resident Zen teacher at the Cambridge Buddhist Association. She then moved to Los Angeles and founded InsightLA, the first center in the world to combine training in both Buddhist Insight (Vipassana) Meditation and non-sectarian mindfulness and compassion practices. Trudy has always been a connector of people, spiritual traditions, cultures, and communities, carrying her Zen delight across the divides.

    Trudy has trained a new generation of teachers, mindfulness humanitarians who make mindfulness and meditation classes available for professional caregivers, social justice and environmental activists, first responders, teachers, and unsung individuals working on the front lines of suffering – all done with tenderness, courage and a simple commitment to holding hands together.

    Trudy conducts retreats and workshops worldwide – from the hallowed halls of Mazu Daoyi’s Ch’an monastery in China, to leading trainings on the ground in the intense heat of Darfuri refugee camps in Eastern Chad on the Sudanese border. She has loved it all. Trudy is still creating new projects and good trouble wherever she can. Details to be found in her forthcoming memoir!

    In the conversation today we discuss her life, meditation, mindfulness, and her perspective on the famous Campbell quote, "Participate Joyfully in the sorrows of the world".

    To learn more about Trudy visit: https://www.trudygoodman.com/

    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org.

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    1 時間 7 分
  • EP 20: Anthony Byrne & John Bucher

    In this episode we are joined by Anthony Byrne, an accomplished Irish writer, director, and producer renowned for his work on large-scale international dramas like Peaky Blinders, Lioness, and In Darkness. He has also directed music videos for Hozier, Liam Gallagher, The Smile. And as he says, more importantly he is a new Dad.

    In this engaging conversation with JCF's John Bucher, Anthony shares insights into his life and career, revealing the influence of Joseph Campbell on his creative journey.


    For more information on the MythMaker Podcast Network and Joseph Campbell, visit JCF.org. 

    To subscribe to our weekly MythBlasts go to jcf.org/subscribe

    The Podcast With A Thousand Faces is hosted by Tyler Lapkin and is a production of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. It is produced by Tyler Lapkin. Executive producer, John Bucher. Audio mixing and editing by Charles Mallett.

    All music exclusively provided by APM Music (apmmusic.com)

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    59 分