• Christ's First 'Battle' When He Returns
    The beast (antichrist), false prophet, and the evil kings of the earth may think they have a chance to war against Jesus, but the moment Christ arrives on the scene He speaks and wipes them out. In the same way, God spoke creation into existence, His words are just as powerful to judge and destroy the wickedness of the world. After Christ destroys them, birds will fill up their bellies full of the flesh of rebellious Satan-worshipping men. Scripture: Revelation 19:20-21 Ep. #4 The Out of Season Show with Tim Schlum (Advent Series Day 4/28)
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  • The Day Christ Comes to Judge the World
    Unlike the first time Jesus came to earth as a lowly servant to be mocked and murdered on our behalf, our Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth a 2nd time riding in on a war horse, wearing a king's crown, armed with a sharp sword ready to judge the wicked. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We can hope in the day the Lord judges all unrighteousness in our world and makes all things good and perfect again. Scripture: Revelation 19:11-19 Ep. #3 The Out of Season Show with Tim Schlum Advent Day 3/28
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  • Feasting with Jesus in Heaven
    If you're feeling hopeless and defeated, remember that our God wins in the end. He's on the throne. He's in control. He even has time to enjoy a big meal with us when we're in Heaven before He returns to earth to judge wickedness and reign as the King of Kings for 1,000 years. Keep the faith and stay hopeful this Advent season. God's promises always come true. Scripture: Revelation 19:7-10, Ep. #2 The Out of Season Show with Tim Schlum, Advent Day 2/28
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  • Praising God for Judging Evil
    In the Last Days, all the redeemed will praise God (sing hallelujah) for His righteous wrath that He will pour out on all of the evil in the world. Christians, as we begin this Advent season, we can look forward to this awesome future promise from our Lord. What a fallen world we live in, but how sweet will it be to watch God systematically remove all of the evil and save all of the saints. Ep. #1 The Out of Season Show with Tim Schlum (Advent Series Day 1/28) Scripture: Revelation 19:1-6
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