This is part one of two of a concept model on baseball. Who is this for? Anyone who has an idea, a business, script or technology—and wants to perfect it using a revolutionary understanding of how the abstract world actually works. (That’s right—ideas and concept.) It is also for those who love baseball (OF COURSE!), and trivia… and that magical eureka moment.
- Preface: Episode Intro, Outline, and Show Intro
- 1st Inning: Simple Enough: A Baseball Versus a Softball
- 2nd Inning: Baseball? What’s Up with That?
- 3rd Inning: Attributes. And Brady’s Home Team Advantage
- 4th Inning: Relationships. And Yes, Disruptive Technology in Baseball (ABSOLUTELY)
- 5th Inning: The Hidden Concept at the Core of Baseball
- 6th Inning: Why Concept Matters and a First Look at Baseball Origin History
Hosted by Winston Perez, award winning author and founder of Concept Modeling—a dude who works on businesses, ideas, tech and Hollywood movies/TV.