In the season finale of The Sarah Jane Show, Sarah takes a deep dive into the human mind with neurologist and content creator Dr. Siddharth Warrier as her guide. They discuss mental health from a neuroscientific angle, how the brain physically changes in people with mental illnesses, and the neuroscience of happiness, sadness, anger, anxiety, and sleep. For regular content on neuroscience, mental health and human behaviour, follow Dr. Siddharth on Instagram @sid_warrier. To keep up with Sarah Jane Dias, follow her on Instagram @sarahjanedias, and don’t forget to check out @fegoco on Instagram for more feel good vibes!
This podcast is supported by Nutrova, a homegrown startup using nutrition science to help you take charge of your health.
Host: Sarah Jane Dias (Instagram)
This is a Maed in India production.
Audio Engineer & Editor: Kartik Kulkarni
Creative Director: Mae Mariyam Thomas
Project Manager: Shaun Fanthome
Producer: Husein Haveliwala