• Connecting To Your Spirit Guides; Power Of The Mind

    Have you ever had a spiritual experience and right after questioned if that happened? What if I was to tell you there are ways to trust those experiences with no questions asked?!?

    This is the power of Exercising Mindfulness. I use the word Mindfulness instead of meditation. Sometimes mediation can feel impossible to achieve. Just as someone wants to get strong muscles, working out is required.

    The same follows when it comes to opening and experiencing your spiritual gifts. It is going to take time, effort, and practice.


    🎃✨🎃Check out all the offerings coming up! 

    🎃✨🎃Start the spooky season out powerfully by participating in September’s Month Of Spirit.

    🎃✨🎃Join Trust You Retreat; this will be held in person in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

    // FOLLOW US //
    Instagram: @the.modern.sages
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Modern-Sages-117718420519360
    Website: https://themodernsages.com
    Tik Tok: @themodernsages

    // FOLLOW JENN//
    Instagram: @JennGilbreth
    Facebook: Jenn Gilbreth
    Website: https://blessedbyangels.org

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    1 時間 11 分
  • Are Your Thoughts Taking Over?

    As a multi-diamentional being, understanding the mental layer of our existence is extremely important. The mind has so much power. What we attract into our reality is greatly influenced by our thoughts. 

    If you are serious about achieving success in any area of your life, awareness and discipline in this area of your life is a necessity. Understanding, adapting and shifting your mindset, can improve your health, decrease your stress, making you more resilient to life’s challenges.

    What you focus on matters!  Everything changes from the inside out. Not the outside in. What we think and focus on, will have direct affect on what shows up on outside. 

    Don’t wait for the outside to change, to create the life you want. Start from the inside, out. Use the mind as a tool, to manifest the life that brings true fulfillment.


    🎃✨🎃Check out all the offerings coming up! 


    🎃✨🎃Start the spooky season out powerfully by participating in September’s Month Of Spirit.


    🎃✨🎃Join Trust You Retreat; this will be held in person in Salt Lake City, Utah. 


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    1 時間 1 分
  • Channeling Three Herbal Spirits To Aid In Mental Support

    Herbs have become such a huge passion of mine. As I have spent time leaning into the medicine that calls to my soul, a new found passion and understanding has occurred. The ancient and modern ways are being called to bridge together. 

    There is good that can be taken and merged together to change the projection of where the world has been and where the world is going now and in the future. This podcast isn’t meant to disregard the importance of western medicine, it is to find a balance welcoming in the ancient & modern ways together. 



    Start the spooky season out powerfully by participating in September’s Month Of Spirit.


    Join Trust You Retreat; this will be held in person in Salt Lake City, Utah.


    続きを読む 一部表示
    34 分
  • A Soul's Transition; Rainbow bridge, Mind, Activation

    On this episode of The Modern Sages Podcast, we talk about the direction of east. Our human experience is made of four elements; Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. All of these aspects are what we will experience while we are here. Depending on what we naturally experience can often also show where our greatest connection to spirit may be experienced as well. On this podcast, we address the relationship with the east, the mind, and the transition over the rainbow bridge that those who cross over encounter. 

    In the mental aspect, we reflect on how much of the concepts and beliefs are directing our beliefs as opposed to our hearts. If we don’t bring the physical aspect into balance, it becomes a mass distraction. We start over-identifying with our bodies instead of staying connected to the remembrance of who we are. 

    Check out all the offerings coming up! 


    🎃✨🎃Start the spooky season out powerfully by participating in September’s Month Of Spirit.

    🎃✨🎃Join Trust You Retreat; this will be held in person in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

    続きを読む 一部表示
    52 分
  • How To Have New Relationship With Life

    We have great significance in the world around us. The seven sacred directions make up is human experience. When we could be aware of that, we can hone in on these ancient traditions and truths that have been passed down for generations.

    They are here with us. We are here with them. We are one in this energy.

    Having that knowledge gives us a great space to embrace that medicine. To make the most of this life while honoring who we truly are.

    We don’t have to walk around as wounded corpses, we can walk around healed human individuals, experiencing this body and knowing that there’s a purpose in it all.



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    53 分
  • A Call From The Ancestors Intro

    This upcoming season of The Modern Sages Podcast is something I am so excited for! I have been feeling this series in my space for awhile now. It is finally time to bring it to life!

    Introducing…. A Call From The Ancestors!

    Here is a little sneak peak in what we will be covering this season;

    1. How to connect with your ancestors on a personal level.
    2. Rituals & Ceremonies to assist in your everyday life.
    3. Channeled messages from the ancestral realm.
    4. Guided meditations.
    5. Exploring the 7 sacred directions, along with how they impact you every single day. 
    6. Ancient practices used to connect back to the divine feminine.
    7. Healing herbs to support your connection to Mother Earth. 
    8. The importance of finding the sacred magic in your daily life. 
    9. Channeled messages from our ancient lineage.
    10. Accessing your unique medicine within. 

    It is time to stop looking outside yourself for answers your soul is seeking for. We cannot wait to be told that we exist or given permission to express our power anew.

    // FOLLOW US //
    Instagram: @the.modern.sages
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Modern-Sages-117718420519360
    Website: https://themodernsages.com
    Tik Tok: @themodernsages

    // FOLLOW JENN//
    Instagram: @JennGilbreth
    Facebook: Jenn Gilbreth
    Website: https://blessedbyangels.org

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    25 分
  • Healing After Suicide W/ Lark Dean Galley

    I feel so honored to have Lark Dean on The Modern Sages Podcast. Lark experienced the devastating loss of her 19-year-old son to suicide. Having already lost her father to suicide five years earlier, this second death hit hard. All expectations for the future were erased. Everything became difficult. Even breathing felt like a conscious decision. 

    This is the story of her raw and painful journey through despair and grief. It is standing on the brink of an abyss ready to pitch into the darkness and making the very difficult decision to step away from the edge. Lark shares how this decision has helped her heal from both her son's and father's suicides. It is her desire to instill hope in those who wonder how, or even if, they can go on.


    Learn More About Lark


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    46 分
  • Spring Rebirth Readings!

    The Spring Equinox is a time to welcome new beginnings and embrace a fresh start.

    Like me, you may feel a surge of energy during springtime, but it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. I offer a reading to provide guidance as you embrace this reawakening. Close your eyes, choose a number between one and four, and receive an outside perspective to maximize your growth.

    0:00 Spring Rebirth Readings!
    3:51 Reading One
    12:40 Reading Two
    23:30 Reading Three
    32:45 Reading Four
    43:42 Closing Thoughts


    Sign Up For Deepening Your Connection Course:

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    45 分