
  • Romans Ch. 5b - Adam vs Christ

    Paul expands on how Adam was a type of Christ and were Adam failed Jesus succeeded. Adam brough death, Jesus brough life, Adam brought condemnation, Jesus bring justification, Adam brought sin and now Jesus provides grace. Join us on this episode to expand and break down the amazing reversal Jesus accomplished through his ministry, death, and resurrection.

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  • Romans Ch. 5 - Equipped for the Joy in Suffering

    Chapter 5 is about what we have now that we believe in Jesus. What changes in the life of someone who repents and believes in the gospel and what God equips His children to go through life until we see Him face to face. We also address the question why suffering continues even though we are saved and how to respond to it that brings us joy.

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  • Romans Ch.4 - In Promise We Trust

    In chapter 4 we dive into the idea that as New Testament believers we trust not in our ability to be good but in the promise of God and what that means. Paul uses Abraham's life as an example of how a Christian has faith in God's promises even when all evidence shows otherwise.

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  • Romans Ch.3b - System Overhaul

    God provides an alternative system to religion and working to be good enough for salvation.

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  • Romans Ch.2 - 3a Rules, Jews, and Grace Abusers

    We continue trying to figure out if anyone can save themselves. This part deals with the Jewish people and their mentality. It also deals with concepts of salvation by association, rituals, or following bible rules. We will also deal with the temptation to use grace as an excuse to sin and how that doesn't make sense.

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  • Romans Ch. 2 - Self Righteous Sinners

    Starting with Romans chapter 2:1-17 we dive into the concept of why being a moral or religious person worsens your condition before God if you put your trust in your performance.

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  • Romans Ch.1 Cont. - The Cancer Within

    We are jumping into Romans 1:18-32. Dealing with God's wrath and setting up the case why we need a savior and why faith is the only way.

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  • Romans Ch. 1 - Background and Intro

    We are going to set up the book of Romans with historical context, the mindset going in, and finish chapter 1:1-17.

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