Controlled Burnes host SlowBurne kicks off a new appreciation series dissecting individual pieces of entertainment that stand out as exemplary with an episode focused entirely on one of the greatest video games ever made: From Software's Bloodborne. SlowBurne discusses his history with the game from overwhelmed noob to hardened vet and puts together four lists ranking his top 10 weapons from the game as well as a ranking of the game's levels, and bosses in terms of both quality and difficulty. Then, as a bonus, SlowBurne also provides a corrected version of his NFL playoff bracket that adjusts the seeding mistakes made in last week's episode.
Controlled Burnes is a weekly hobby-list podcast with a particular focus on lists and topics related to video games, music, TV/film as well as other hobbies and aspects of pop culture. If you're interested in writing into the podcast and having your comments or questions read on-air, you can write in to the podcast at ControlledBurnes@gmail.com.
3:05: My history with Bloodborne
18:17: Ranking my top 10 favorite weapons
31:32: Ranking Bloodborne's levels
48:35: Ranking Bloodborne's bosses by quality
1:05:25: Ranking Bloodborne's bosses by difficulty
1:18:08: Closing thoughts on Bloodborne
1:19:28: Correcting NFL playoff bracket prediction