• God’s Presents & Presence

    “I just want His presence, nothing else.” In this episode, I share why what seems like a declaration of humility and religious maturity actually opposes the very nature of who God wants to be to you: Abba, Father. You’d never want your child to turn down lunch or wear rags to prove their devotion. God doesn’t want that either. I share the simple illustrations He gave me that will help you boldly approach His throne of grace with the expectation and faith He loves to see from His children.

    Also: I share which two worship songs you’ll never hear in heaven.

    ♥️ Bunmi

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    45 分
  • God is bringing justice.

    This morning God gave me a word about justice He’s bringing and how He wants people to move on from the past in order to do the work He’s given them. Trust Him. He’s on your case! The Bible passage is from Hosea 9:-5-10.

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    26 分
  • Preparing the Way

    This morning God had me read a famous passage in the Bible- the words of Yochanan the Immerser (John the Baptist). He then showed me how the preparation for Yeshua then echoes the preparation God is doing for His second return now. Prepare yourself. He’s coming back. And soon. God is on the move.

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    23 分
  • Tell The Truth

    God hates lies. Listen to learn why and how to stay truthful in a time when the line between truth and lies are being blurred.

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    35 分
  • Time to Go

    God is doing so much in this time and there is a lot of movement happening in the body. Don’t get left behind out of fear. If God’s moving you, don’t be afraid. Time to jump out of the nest, baby.

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    21 分
  • Moving on Up: Leaving the Spirit of Poverty Behind

    God knows everything about you. He knows your past and current situation. There are people praying for financial breakthrough who don’t realize they are holding hands with the spirit of poverty. The spirit of poverty can’t be your sneaky link on the side while you believe for God’s best. He doesn’t work alongside demons.

    In this episode I share how to tell if the spirit of poverty is subtly working in your life and how to drop its hand. I also talk about how God showed me how much He hates cheapness and how to distinguish it from good stewardship.

    In the last part, I talk about staying focused on the mission God has you on even in the face of accusations and attacks. Yeshua was very familiar with those but He kept going and has empowered you to do the same. Love ya! ♥️

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    1 時間 13 分
  • God of Justice, Messiah Who Comforts

    Before recording this episode, God brought me to Isaiah 14:28-32. It’s about the Philistines- enemies of Israel- rejoicing in what they perceive to be a Israel experiencing loss and God essentially saying, “Not so fast.” It’s an intense judgement against the Philistines that ends with a promise of restoration for Israel.

    “Do not rejoice, all you of Philistia, because the rod that struck you is broken; for out of the serpent’s roots will come forth a viper, and its offspring will be a fiery flying serpent.” Isaiah 14:29

    Mourning is going to come to Israel. Communal mourning. There will be rejoicing from her enemies. But as Isaiah 14:31 says, “Wail, O gate! Cry, O city! All you of Philistia are dissolved; For smoke will come from the north,” those responsible are going to face the kind of judgement that disappears you from the map. It will come from God Himself.

    Isaiah 14 ends with: “The Lord has founded Zion, and the poor of His people shall take refuge in it.”

    When Israel is mourning, He wants people to turn to Him. The verse He gave me was:

    “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3

    Yeshua said this because it is only when the poverty of spirit is acknowledged, when one finally realizes that need help and saving, and allow Him in that they have access to everything He died and conquered death for.

    Mourning is coming. God will bring not only justice, but a complete destruction of those who caused it, and Yeshua, whose name means salvation is the answer. He is the balm, He is life, He is the healing, He is the way. He is using people to accept Him finally.

    I also talk about my family’s journey re: coming to faith in Yeshua and how difficult it was in some ways- feeling like we were losing some Judaism- but how He brought us all through.

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    44 分
  • Appearance of Godliness

    It’s easy to get so caught up in the work of life and even ministry that intimacy with God loses priority. It’s easy to let image, applause, ambition become dominant motivators. It’s very easy to let the work transcend in importance above the One who gave it to you.

    In this episode, I share what God has spoken to me about how important protecting our closeness, our intimacy, with Jesus is and how to watch for signs that something else is taking over (and what to do). ♥️

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    43 分