
  • The People Skills of Spiritual Leadership
    How can we help people not only set goals, but identify the right goals and the best steps to reach them? One of the challenges of being an effective spiritual leader is learning to invest in the growth of other people; whether they serve on your leadership team, volunteer in one of the missional areas of the church, or desire to take the next step in their spiritual growth. That kind of leadership can be served well by the skills of coaching and mentoring and we’re here to help you integrate those skills into your life. Welcome Todays Guest Host, Paul Kendall @paulskendall ! You can find out more about Paul Kendall here: facebook.com/pastorscoachpage instagram.com/pastors.coach pastors.coach Learn more about our Spiritual Leadership Cohort and how to earn an MA in Ministry Leadership or DMin in Church Leadership at fivegifts.org/slc.
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  • Spiritual Formation Needs Spiritual Community
    What’s most vital to the Great Commission of making disciples? Is it practical Bible teaching? Is it in preaching rich theological messages? What if I told you that great Bible teaching will only carry Christ’s mission so far without strong, connected relationships. Relational connectivity provides strength, protection, and flexibility for congregations.
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    48 分
  • Implementing the Pastoral Gift in the Local Church
    The pastor of the local church can wear a lot of different hats; the hospital chaplain, the preacher, the Bible Study teacher, the wedding officiant, the counselor, perhaps even the chairman of the board. Sometimes the VOCATION of the Pastor can get confused with the CALL to pastoral ministry. Today we look at one of the Five Gifts that Jesus gave the Church in His ascension and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit – the Gift of the Pastor.
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  • Putting Spirituality Back into the Local Church
    Does your congregation seem listless and unfocused on the activity of God in your fellowship. Without a plan to involve believes in a spiritual life process and the practice of spiritual disciplines, you will continue to see low levels of spiritual vitality. Today we look at how we can lead our congregations in a Spiritual Life atmosphere that elevates faith, expectation, and renewal.
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    47 分
  • Healing Prayer as a Spiritual Discipline
    We live in a broken world, filled with broken people, in desperate need of healing. The Good News is healing is still for today. God is actively healing people in 2025! Today we look at how we can participate and even initiate healing prayer.
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  • The Benefits of Fasting and Prayer
    Fasting is a scriptural mandate for every believer! Or, is Fasting the “Golden Ticket” to get what you want from God? Today we are going to pull back the curtain on Fasting. What is Fasting? What does the Bible have to say about Fasting? What are the benefits of Fasting? Is there a practical approach to Fasting? Learn the answers to these questions and more on today's episode.
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  • Prayer Walking: Aligning with God's Heart for Our Cities
    Prayerwalking can be a powerful way to both intercede for our communities and discover God’s heart for them, too. You might be surprised to discover how we can learn from some of the great leaders in the Bible and learn to prayerwalk our neighborhoods and cities. Today, we’re going to learn to walk in the footsteps of Joshua and Caleb, Nehemiah, the Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah, and the Apostle Paul.
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    49 分
  • Praying in the Spirit: Spiritual Language/Tongues
    The gift of spiritual language, or speaking in tongues, is controversial among church leaders. Some consider this gift to be outdated, taboo, and should even be non-existent in the modern local church. While others maintain this divine gift is essential for one’s effectiveness in leadership and ministry in the 21st century. We believe the gift of supernatural language is for the Church today! So, what is this gift? Are there any benefits to spiritual language? How can I receive, and help others receive the gift of spiritual language? Today we discuss these questions and more right here, right now, and only, on The 5 Gifts Podcast!
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