High Degree Researchers Drinking coffee. This small show is designed for academics to put their research interests in the spotlight. Please sit, learn, and enjoy a cuppa while we do to. This is a special episode of the podcast where I talk to Janeane Dart (Senior Lecturer, Nutrition Dietetics & Food) and Gabrielle Brand Associate Professor, School of Nursing and Midwifery) about their personal research careers, however we do spend a lot of the conversation delving into their plenary session at last years Dietitians Australia conference where a verbatim theatre performance was displayed based on one of Janeane's PhD papers. Janeane completed 100 interviews with dietitians in practice, as academics and as students to understand professionalism in dietetics. This was a huge hit at the conference last year and I can't wait to see what these two do next. Their orders - lemon myrtle tea & a Melbourne breakfast.
Gabrielle's recommendations
1. Through the Looking Glass Space to New Ways of Knowing : A Personal Research Narrative
2. Embedding Indigenous knowledges and voices in planetary health educationPlease see article here https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2542519622003084
Also BIG Magic - Creative Living beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert https://www.booktopia.com.au/big-magic-elizabeth-gilbert/book/9781408866757.html?source=pla&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8aOeBhCWARIsANRFrQEnViWrSmU6ZrolXCBiNc-NZLGWmqUiQzWLTDPbg0vbmKB_sYOPreYaAjlBEALw_wcB
Janeane's recommendations
1. "We Are Our Own Worst Enemies": A Qualitative Exploration of Sociocultural Factors in Dietetic Education Influencing Student-Dietitian Transitions
2. Intellectual streaking: The value of teachers exposing minds (and hearts)